Change my mind

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Iris' POV

After Luke and Brynn left the room I grabbed a blanket to conceal myself.

I cuddled up with my stitch stuffed animal that was still here from me and Brynns movie marathon.

'Iris... how?' Ashton asked. I ran my fingers over the scars on my palms, a habit that Brynn started.

'Like I said to Calum the first day we met, It's not my story to tell.' I said as I turned my head to look out the window.

'Then tell us your story.' those were the five words I hoped they would never say. my stomach dropped and my heart beat thirty times faster.


'Look at the damn tv you ugly girl!' he shouted in my face as he yanked my hair. I screamed in pain as tears ran down my face.

'... Crashed over the Pacific Ocean last night. it was headed towards the Philippines with around 124 passengers. there are no known survivors. among the victims are the four family members of Iris Lactaoen, the young girl who, along with her friend Brynn Fazio, was kidnapped earlier this month...' a pretty news reported stated.

Mom... Dad... Mitchelle... Irene... all gone at the same moment?

'Do you know why they were on that plane?' he whispered as I shook in pain. 'they have up on looking for you and were hoping to get a fresh start somewhere new. I guess they weren't expecting a bomb to go off in the Pilots cabin, were they?' he threw my head to the floor where it echoed in ghastly booms.

'Now for today's punishment! Lets see... I suppose 37 slashes scattered around sounds about right.' I didn't even feel the blade as the numbness welcomed me with black...

~end of flashback~

'Iris are you okay?' Brynn whispered as she took my hand. I only then realized it was all a dream.

'Iris it's okay. he's gone for now.' I hummed the first verse of the song we sung the day before this all started. Brynn soon caught on singing her favorite part.

'Where are you and I'm so sorry I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always This sick strange darkness Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides Like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason Will you come home and stop this pain tonight Stop this pain tonight.' she softly sang as my tears came to a stop.

'You guys are really messed up...' Ashton whispered after a small silence settled over us.

I jumped as I forgot he was there. the sudden male voice put me in fight or flight mode.

'We are all in the same game; just different levels, dealing with the same hell; just different devils.' Brynn said as she placed another blanket over me. I noticed she was slightly upset as she rubbed her hands over her arms. I'll have to ask about that later.

She walked back to her room as I stood to goto mine. I quickly changed into my superman shirt and threw on some leggings. I heard the floor creak as Calum entered my room.

'Why didn't you tell us before?' He questioned as he came closer. I started breathing faster as I'm not very comfortable being alone with a guy after the whole kidnapping incident.

'We usually aren't the type to trust guys.' I whispered as I matched his steps, taking one back as he took one forward.

'Why not?'

'Long story.'

'This again?'

'Yes and every-time you ask until I feel the need to tell you.'

'And when will that be?'

'Not for a very long time.' My back hit the wall as Calum placed on hand to the right of my head and one to the left of my hip.

'Not even if something formed between us?'

'Not even if Caspar Lee's life depended on it.' I stated as Cal leaned in slightly.

'Are you sure about that?' his whispered as his breath mingled with mine.

'Absolutely positive.'

'How about now?' and with that he crashed his lips against mine.

Maybe this boy will change my mind after all.

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