No. just No.

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Brynn's POV


'DIE DIE DIE!' I screamed as I jumped up an down on the couch.

'Brynn calm down I can see!' Iris shouted.

'NOO! Die die die!!!' I said as I shook the Xbox controller.

'NOOO!' We screamed at the same time as zombies killed us. Ugh I hate zombies.

'Well that was... Interesting.' Said a voice from the door.

'Hey Sandra.' We said. Sandra is the senior of the building. She watches per us.

'I could hear yal down the hall and the other seniors were laughing at y'all.' She said in her southern drawl.

'Sorry we'll try to keep quiet.' Iris apologized as she ushered Sandra out of the room.

I hopped off the couch and tossed my hood onto my head while fixing my leggings. I heard the gentile rain fall outside and sighed. I hate rain.

'Day 48: it's raining outside and slight thunderstorms may develop. For dinner tonight is the spaghetti from the mess hall with a side of garlic bread.' I said using my announcer voice. Iris laughed. 'The BU Terriers are forbidden the spaghetti as they are preparing for the semi-finals.'






'I win.' I said laying down on the couch.

'You always win.' She wined.

'I know.' I said laughing.

'Can we eat now?' She said poking my shoulder. I peaked up at her from under my hood.

'Sure. But get me an umbrella.' She glared at me. 'Please?'


'I hate rain. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.' I repeated as I shook the umbrella trying to get it dry.

'Just leave it. Well get it after.' Iris said skipping over to the food line.

I ran to keep up with her and grabbed a tray.

'Yes please.'

'No thanks.'

'Thank you.' Mumbled many voices as people moved down the line. I grabbed a salad and a bag of chips.

'That'll be two meal tickets.' Said the cashier with a tired smile. I smiled as I handed my money over.

'Where do you wanna sit?' Iris asks looking around.

'How's that table?' I said pointing to a small table for two in the corner by the window.

'Great.' She said leading the way across the mess hall. We sat down and I leaned against the window. 'Do you have our pills?'

I nodded. 4 pills. Two pink and two orange. I passed her the pink ones and I took my orange ones.

I speared a piece of lettuce and chicken with my fork and dug into my dinner.

'Hey Brynn.' Came a masculine voice from behind me. I choked on my food and iris jumped up to pat my back and see if I was okay.

'Oh hey Jackson.' I said after I finished my coughing fit. He pulled a chair up like my greeting was an invitation to join our meal.

'What's up?' He asked casually.

'What do you want from me?' I asked glaring at him from under my hood.

He ran a hand through his blond hair. 'Listen I have a bet with the guys. If I um,' he looked around ' if I get you to kiss me after we win the game on Friday I get $100 from each player.'

'And if you dont?' I asked with a smirk.

'If you don't kiss me I have to put make up on and go flirt with a guy in a bar.' He said clearly uncomfortable. Poor Jackson.

'I think purple eyeshadow would look best on you.' I said laughing.


'No. Just no Jackson. You know I can stand human contact. Remember the first day of the semester?' I asked.

'For two girls who entered college early you're very mature and the fact you had the nerve to punch me was fascinating.' He said leaning forward.

'You grabbed me around the waist and tried to force yourself on me of course I was gonna punch you.' I said leaning back till my back hit the cold glass.

'I couldn't help myself a young girl like you shouldn't be here. You're too pretty to be smart.'

'I'm 17 if you do anything it's considered rape. And I have protection of all the teachers they know our condition and they won't let a stupid jock scare away the brightest students this school has ever seen.' I said as I leaned forward forcing him to move back.

'Jackson lets go.' Called Charlie, Jackson's co-captain.

'Hope you find a really hot guy to flirt with!' I called out as they walked away.

'Ugh. Guys need to learn that we aren't some prize to be won. We are humans.' Iris said her voice full of disgust.

'I'm not hungry anymore.' I said pushing my tray away from me.

'Me either.' We stood up and cleaned off our trays returning them to the cooks.


'At least it's not raining anymore.' Iris said looking into the sky as she folded the umbrella.

'Yeah.' I mumbled. ' do we have Oreos at home?'


'I think it's time for a movie night. You choose.'

'Superman.' She said instantly even though she didnt have to. I already knew she would choose that.

'Okay.' I said as I pulled out my student ID and swiped it through the key lock. Home sweet home.

'Ill get the Oreos and milk. You get The movie.' She said walking into the kitchen.

Ugh. Of course superman is at the bottom. Maybe if I pull it very fast it won't knock the pile over. 1-2-3.


'Brynn.' Iris said sternly.

'Ill fix it!' I shouted picking up the CDs.

'They better be in title order.'

'No you can do that.' I said turning on the Xbox and popping the cd into the tray. I turned on the TV and grabbed my purple controller.

'Brynn there's no milk. It's your turn.'

'Ugh. fine ill be right back.' I said grabbing my wallet and walking out the door.

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