Lets be strippers

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I just wanna see you strip right now cause it's late baby .

Alexia POV

Its been only two and a half months since Q died. I'm trying to deal with it but something's holding me back . I just can't put my finger on it. I mean of course it's that I love him or what else could it possibly be? I've been visiting his grave site every other day, but when I go there for some reason I don't feel his presence. Maybe he doesn't show up because of the fight we had when I told him I was pregnant. I can't live with the fact that my last words to him being he's not shit. That's the greatest gain of guilt I ever had. It made it even worse when I found out that even after that he still wanted to get revenge on my step dad Tez for hurting me. He actually loved me, but I've really ruined any type of relationship that we had. He will always be my first love . Its been hell dealing with the bills for the apartment where I've been staying. I've tried plenty of jobs but no one wants to hire me. The bills are just going to continue to add up and I'm at my last resort. I always promised myself that I would never go down to that level but what other choice do I have? Deelo's been helping a little but I can't depend on his money forever. I should be trying to keep my eye on him because he's gotten even more suspicious than before. Him and Danaya have been having hella problems. I don't understand how she even deals with his nagging, staying out late , private phone calls, and abusive ass behavior. I could never endure any type of shit like that.

Walking through this house makes me feel so lonely . Its like I have nobody or anything to lean on. You would think that God would had at least given me my child as a token of Quintin but I guess I don't deserve even that. Just when im about to put in a movie Nay calls me. I answer on the last ring.
"Damn , you must don't want to be bothered?" She asked half jokingly.
I tell her that I was just trapped in my thoughts . The call ends up being about her and Deelo's problems. How she's leaving Deelo and all this other non sense, which i funny believe. Once its over I make a note to myself to call her later on about my future job . She might be upset , but its really my only option. A couple hours and a nap later I hear the sound of somebody banging at my door.

"Now who the fuck has the balls to do some shit like this at my house at 3:00 in the morning" I thought. I look from the bed to the dresser and see my phone vibrating nun stop. I pick it up and turn it off as I walk through the rest of the house to get to the door. "Who is it"? I practically yell. Nobody speaks. I ask again and the same thing happens. This scares me. I remember that I recently found the gun Q bought me and run to get it out the top of my closet. As soon as I grab the gun I feel heavy breathing on my neck and a scent that practically chokes me, but really brings me to tears. I slowly turn around with the gun aimed high, but stop in mid drift when I realize who it is. He didn't even speak. The only thing that's standing out right now is the gun that he now has pointed to my temple. I pinch myself several times to make sure I'm not dreaming but it doesn't seem to work. This can't be real. I mean isn't he supposed to be dead ? The closets filled with complete silence as we both lower our guns. Its actually funny when I realize that he has the gun that matches mine. I don't ask any questions. I just run to hug him and fall into his arms screaming, "Q". He doesn't answer me back though. He just stares into space as I explain how much I miss and love him and tell him everything about the baby. For a second it looks as if a tear falls from his eye, but the Quintin I know doesnt cry. After im done speaking he waits a few seconds before talking. He doesn't say anything that I would have expected him to.
"You ain't shit and I hate your ass. You killed my baby Alexia" he says before getting up and storming out. I run after him but for some reasons I keep running in circles. "Why can't I get to him?"I cry out. Nobody helps me. His word just keep repeating inside my head and out of nowhere it becomes a game of hide and seek . I'm suddenly wrapped into a black sheet and my heart begans racing just when I'm on the verge of loosing all my oxygen , I'm awaken by another loud bang. This part seems to be real. I jump out of bed and head down stairs but not before grabbing my gun. This time when I ask who is it I get a soft cry in return. I look through the peep hole to see a wrecked and cried out Danaya. I open the door and I'm attacked with a massive story on how Deelo heard her on the phone telling me that she was going to leave him and decided to pick a fight over it later on. I really consider killing him. "Lex I'm so tired of his creeping and nagging . Its like he's putting the game before me and using me as a way to release his anger." She says

"You're not going back there nay"

"What else is there for me to do Lex? I don't have any money. My mom's not here for me to lean on. My dad's nowhere to be found and I have no one else to lean on".

"You must forgot that I'm in the same boat ? I don't have any one either but I do have a good best friend who I really would do anything for , as in letting them stay with me." I say . She smiles but it turns into more tears. I ask her what's wrong.

"You're already struggling and I don't have any money to help you out." She says. I explain to her that I have that all planned out. Its really about time that I let somebody know. "Nay promise me you won't beat me when I say this" I command. She raises her eyebrows and shakes her head up and down. Before speaking I exhale. " I wanna go out of town and strip."

"I will only allow that under one condition". She says. I nod for her to keep going.

"I strip with you," she blurts out. I way the negatives and positives before responding.

"Deal!" She smiles and starts dancing singing "make that money , make that money , make that money ."

I join . "ayee. Whole Lotta money, whole Lotta money, whole Lotta money." I really can't believe that she agreed to this. Now we still have to deal with Deelo's sneaky ass. I'm really gonna kill him if he has anything to do with Q's death .

1. Y'all miss Q?
2. Should nay just stay with deelo or get out on her own ?
3. Is Alexia out of her mind or just missing Q ?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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