Chapter 1

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Y/n's P.O.V

Hi there I'm Y/n and I'm currently beside a river getting some fresh water. Why you ask? Well I'm doing this because I need too. If I don't I'll run out of fresh water in my house. Yes MY house. I "moved out" a while back. Now I'm living in a small cabin by my self. I normally go out on little trips to get supplies and things. Especially when a few miles away from civilization. I do this for good reason. I'm hiding from someone. He's my "father". At least he used to be. I ran away for because of him. My mom is dead because of him. I remember what happened so vividly.

》》》Flash back of flash backyness 《《《

"Well maybe you should get off of your lazy ass and get a job!!" My father yelled. Him and mom were fighting again. "We both agreed that I would stay at home and take care of Y/n while you go out and work!!! Are you suddenly not so fond of the agreement we made!?" My mother retaliated. "No I'm not cause you tricked me into letting you do absolutely nothing all fu-" "Nothing!? Huh? So cleaning the house, taking care of our daughter, and cooking your meals doing nothing to you!!!" My mother screamed.

I was watching silently from the doorway. "If thats what you do then why isn't the house clean!! Why is the food disgusting?!" My father asked. "If you don't appreciate what I do then I'll leave!!! With Y/n cause we both know that if I leave her with you you'll just blame her for everything!!" My mother started walking out of the room. "No you're not!!" She turned to him tears streaming down her face. "And who's gonna stop me!?" My father grabbed a knife and stabbed my mother. "MOM!!" I yelled running up to my mother.

"Dad!! Why did you do that!?" I yelled at him. I looked down at my mother trying to stop the bleeding. "Y/n...y/n I need you to far as you you'll be safe?" She whispered to me and I nodded. My father just stood there. He had no regret or remorse on his face. I don't know who this person was....but he wasn't my father. I got up and ran to my room. I grabbed my things and ran out the door my father calling after me.

I told the village police what happened then ran away. I ran and ran and ran. I ran for about a week. Stopping everyonce in a while to get food and things like that. Until I find an old abandoned cabin in the middle of the forest.

》》Present Time Whoop Whoop《《

That was about a year ago. I've lived here ever since. I eventually found out I ran all the way to the other side of the country. I still stayed here tho. I haven't left. I miss my mom...and my dad cause the man who killed my mother that night was not my father...because my father would never do that....

Once I have the water I pick up the pail and start to walk back to my house. Still thinking about everything that happened. Once I get there I put the pail down and sit on the couch. Oh yea the house was fully furnished as well. It was a little weird to me. I've also noticed that everyonce in a while there would be something in the fridge I didn't buy or I'd have a bit more money then usual....but the weirdest thing is what I found when I got home......

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN!!!! I love cliffhangers lolz. Thanks for reading hope you like it. Whoooooooooooooooooo and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!


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