Chapter 4

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I'm finally updating!!

Y/n's P.O.V.

I guess I should head on in.... I walk into the swamp in front of me ,still eating slim jims of course. Although it gets a bit difficult when there is literally no path. I eventually stop eating the slim jims a bit so I can move branches and crap out of my face. Then I start thinking ,as I walk, about what Derek had said. About what if it is a trap? What if this person does this often? Gives them a shitload of food then ask them to come to the swamp to meet him? It is kinda suspicious...

I shake my head. "That's a lot of trouble to go through to kidnap someone. Besides I'm already all the way out here.." And I was right. I have no idea where I am at this point. I hope I find this guy soon.. if he's actually in here. I just realized this guy could've been messing with me and he isn't actually here and I'm really fucked. Oh god I hope that isn't true.. I should really think before doing things. Then I hear a loud snap right behind me. I spin around faster then you could say "Kerchow". All I see out of the corner of my eye is a shadow heading to my left.

A shadow that disappeared as quickly as it came. I turned around again in hopes of getting a better look at whatever it was. Unfortunately, but then again maybe more fortunate then not, there was nothing there. I did a 360 a few times to make sure but I saw nothing. I decided quickly to try and brush the weird shadow thing off and continue my journey in finding the purple obsessed stranger that broke into my home and left shit. ...Never thought I'd say that sentence. I laughed a bit at my weird thoughts.

At least I laughed until I heard another snap.. Unlike last time it was so much closer. And unlike last time I didn't bother turning around and ran for it. I felt something catch on my sweater and try to pull me back. It felt like a claw but I kept running ,ripping the back of my sweater in the process. I didn't bother with it and ran as fast as I could. I then heard explosions and what sounded like magic behind. I still didn't stop running.

I kept running and running and running and running and- thump "Shit" I ran into something similar to another person. This person wasn't a stone wall either so we fell down, me on top of him. I was scared half to death and I could barely move. After a minute or two I felt arms wrap around me. "Its ok" At that moment I didn't care who it was. So long as they didn't try to hurt me I'm good. After a few minutes of sitting there being held by this person, they said "Heh guess you found me.." It took me a minute to process what he just said before I immediately sat up and looked at the person.

The first thing I see is his brown hair. Then his purple hood. And finally his deep brown innocent seeming eyes, but if you look long enough.. you can see there's so much more then what's on the surface. "You're the purple obsessed dude!?" "Well I wouldn't really sa-" "Are you him?" He laughs a bit and nods. I sit up still on top of him and see the rest of him. He was wearing a purple hoodie and black skinny jeans. It isn't til then I notice all the black liquidy shit.

"What's this?" I say putting my finger in some and showing him. He looks at it and says "Uh that's nothing." I raised an eyebrow as if to say 'Oh really?'. He just stared back as if I hadn't mentally said something to him without telepathy. I sigh "Ok what about the shit at my house?" He seems to struggle with words for a few minutes. I sat there staring at him ,waiting for a response. He was still silent.. still looking for words. He was probably expecting me to say 'Ok ok whatever' and move to the next topic but that sure as hell ain't happening.

So we sit there for a few minutes me sitting on him and him struggling for words. "Well?" He looked at the sky. "Uh.. Merry Christmas?" "Its July" "Happy birthday?" "So you stalk me so much that you know my birthday?" "NO" "Mhm.." He stares at me again. I sigh "I know I'm beautiful as fuck but it isn't polite to stare." He blushes and looks behind me.

"Shut up you know.. I wasn't... shit" "What's wrong?" I go to look behind me but Mr. Purple is Senpai flips us so I'm pinned under him. "What the hell?!" He looks at me trying to smile but there also intense pain mixed in with his expression. I see the shadow thing over him. It seems to be in the shape of a dog. I can take a guess and say its claw thing is in its back. I don't know what else to do so I just yell "No! Bad Dog!! Bad!!!" The shadow looks at me weirdly and leans closer to my face. As it does this I can obviously see it doesn't help Purpley so I continue my yelling. "Bad! No!! Go lay down!! Bad dog!!" The shadow dog thing then whimpers and removes its claw and runs off somewhere. ".. I can't believe that worked.." I whisper. I then turn my attention to Mr. Purple. "Oh god are you ok?" "What does it look like?" I glare at him slightly and flip us again, get off him, flip him again, and look at the wound. "Oh shit.." He sat up. "Thanks for being gentle.." "The feeling is mutual now we need to-" "Don't worry about it look" I looked at his back and then.....

The author ended the chapter there cause I'm a butthole but you can probably guess what happened next. Anyways til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!


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