Chapter 3

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Y/n's P.O.V

So I found this thing called anime.... it's amazing!!! I love it so much. I found Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, Black Butler, Attack on Titans, Ouran High School Host Club, and so many more amazing animes!! It was perfect. Anyways I gotta go to Derek's place tomorrow so I guess I should get some sleep. I turn off the episode of Soul Eater I was watching and head up to take a shower real quick before heading to bed. I get under the surprisingly warm covers and fall asleep.

~~~~~~~~time skip of-FOOL!~~~~~~~~

I wake slowly stretching and looking around my room. I see all of the roses again. They are actually quite beautiful. They are like purple with a splash of red on them. I like them. I think I'll keep them around and alive hopefully. I remember that I need to talk to Derek the stranger and slowly get out of bed. I open my closet and see a bunch of new clothes. Most of them being purple.

I laughed a bit at this guys obsession of purple. Then I look through the clothes and find a nice blue shirt and a purple sweater to put on top of it. I also put on a pair of blue jeans and my normal shoes. I then grab my phone and little money I had and walked to the door. I closed it behind me as I walk to the village Derek lived. I get to the village and see the busy streets as usual. I walk through the sea of people to get to Derek's house. I knock on the oak wood door and a minute or 2 later I hear the door unlock and the beautiful face of my special shit head Derek.

"Hey Y/n!" He smiles. "Hey Derek." I say messing up his long brown hair ad I walk into his house. "What is with you and my hair!?" I shrugged laughing a bit. "I don't know maybe I like it's fluffyness?" He stares at me with his deep blue eyes. "Really?" I laugh and plop onto his couch. "So what brings you too my wonderful castle?" He says gesturing to his small but cozy little home. I laugh. "Well ,your majesty, I came to get your advice on something."

He stands in front of me and says in a royal and snotty voice "Ask thy question peasant!" I laughed before getting on one knee. "Your majesty, I ask thee what I should do for someone has infiltrated my home and left gifts. Thou infiltrater ask I meet him his swamp. What should thy do?" He looks at me weird and kinda worried. He takes my hand and helps me stand. "Someone got into your house? How? Y/n you live so far into the woods how did anyone know you were there?" He still held my hand.

"Derek, calm down. He didn't take anything he actually left behind new furniture and a whole lot of food. I don't know who they are or how they found me but that's what I want to find out." He sighed and was obviously worried. "Y/n, you don't know who this is!? What if they hurt you or kidnap you or-" "Derek, please breath in. breath out. breath in. breath out." He did as he was told and looked at me.

"Are you sure about this?" I smiled at him, still holding his hand. "Yea I'm sure. I'll be fine ok?" He nods and hugs me. "Alright fine.. but be careful ok?" He whispered while he was hugging me. I smiled. "I will I promise." I went to pull away from the hug bit he held me tighter. I hugged back for a minute before finally letting go. "At least let me give you a slim jim to go?" "Yes please! That's the one thing they didn't give me!" (I'm sorry I just looooooooove Slim Jims)

Derek laughs his beautiful laugh cause he's Derek and stuff. He looks through his cabinets and pulls out a big box of slim jims. He opens it and hands me a few. "Here you go" "Yay! Thank you!" I hug him before leaveing his 'wonderful castle' and heading to a nearby swamp. I already have a Slim Jim open and am devouring it. I make it to the edge of the swamp and stand there. I put the Slim Jim wrapper in my back pocket and pull out another one. I guess I should head on in....

I updated!!! Whoo!! I can't draw for crap and I can't find the roses km looking for!! I really appreciate your support and amazingness and if someone could draw the rose that'd be great!! I love you all and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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