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     Darkness. An endless void of pitch black darkness surrounded a slumped figure, soft cries emitting them. Him. He was lost, scared, and disoriented. Nameless. He couldn't remember his own name, the only thing he could remember was the excruciating pain that had brought him to this dark place. So many emotions were running through his mind, through his non-beating heart. Anger. Terror. Sorrow. Confusion. Something was wrong, something was off. He wasn't supposed to be here, he was supposed to be home. Home. Where was home? The word lingered in the back of his mind, but it had no value to it, not to him. He knew the word, but, what did it mean? He remained hunched over on his knees, staring at his colorless skin– staring at his talon-like claws. That wasn't right, he didn't remember having claws. Did he always have claws? His memory was fuzzy, but he was sure claws weren't normal. A soft cry emitted from him once more, it could've easily been taken as a, soft, miserable screech. The skin around his mouth slowly tore apart, a longer and louder screech coming from the new-formed mouth. His cries only grew louder, more pained. His cries spoke of his unsaid misery. His cries went unanswered.

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