Chapter One: Host

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"Wake up," A scratchy sounding voice had hissed out, followed by something falling over and colliding onto the hardwood floors, "You waste of flesh, wake up!"

Not even a few moments later, a low groan of protest sounded from the bed. The room was dark, and had a slight cold chill to it. A male in the bed groaned once more, simply rolling onto his side and pulling the covers over his head to shield himself from the world. Another figure watched him do this through narrowed, black, eyes as a growl rumbled in his throat. He was looming over the bed with an unamused expression, lifting a clawed hand to run it through his dark and unruly hair. His skin was discolored, grey even, and his clothes held no color either. A dark grey hoodie, with black sweatpants. He wasn't human, no human being had snake-like tendrils growing out of their back and waving lazily behind.

"Five more minutes, Miles," The hidden male gave another complain, voice thick with sleep, "I barely got any shut-eye, alright? Besides, it wouldn't hurt to miss a day of school."

"You barely got any sleep, hm? You poor little baby... Well, newsflash, I don't give a damn," Miles sneered softly, leaning to tower over the hidden male, "Boo-fucking-hoo, get your ass outta bed, you lump. Is it my problem that you stayed up later than you should have? No. Get up, Ryder."

Bickering so early in the morning was a part of their daily routine, it was the way they dealt with each other. They weren't exactly friends, but they weren't enemies either. Satisfaction filled his chest once he saw Ryder shove the comforters off his body, arms crossing at his chest as he waited for the boy to take more action. The drowsy male had lifted both his arms up in a stretch above his head, his brown hair sticking up in all sorts of directions as a yawn left his parting lips. Miles couldn't help but let his eyes wander to the boy's dysfunctional legs, brows furrowing together. It was moments like these that made him sympathize with the human, though he would never admit that out loud.

"Stop staring. I may not see you in the dark, but I can feel you staring. I hate when you— or anyone, does it. Nothing's wrong with me, I'm getting up, alright?" Ryder scoffed in clear irritation, making the Entity shift his dark gaze to the boy's face, "Just because you're a ghost, doesn't mean you have to give up on your manners. Turn around, you loser. Let me take a piss, and get dressed."

Doing as the boy wished, Miles turned on his heels to give the other male his back. His arms remained tightly crossed at his chest, eyes closing half-way. The human wouldn't have trouble doing simple things, such as take a piss or get dressed. His parents had accommodated his room specifically for him, so he had have a sliver of independence. Even if he needed help, I couldn't physically touch him, the Entity shook his head at the thought. Sure, they didn't get along half of the time, but he wouldn't wish worse conditions on him. His host. Ryder.

"Hurry up, your morons are bound to be here soon," Miles spoke up with a sour tone of voice, simply peering over his own shoulder to see if the boy was almost done, "Getting dressed in the dark, you deserve a medal, kiddo—"

The Entity didn't even get to finish his sentence before the room to the door was busted open, the lights suddenly being flipped on as well. Wincing as the darkness was taken away from him, Miles allowed his arms to drop to his side as he whirled around to face the commotion. Earlier than expected.

"I swear to God, Ryder! You do this every time!" A female had invaded the boy's room, tapping her foot against the ground, "Get up, lazy ass."

Miles shifted his gaze onto his host with a cocked brow, he wasn't paying much attention to the intruding female just yet. Ryder had his chocolate brown eyes trained on his friend, hand reaching up to swipe his messy brunette bangs out of his face; just fluffing his hair up with groan. With the light on, he could study the boy closer, a soft scoff emitting from him as he spotted the younger male's plain white t-shirt. He may be eighteen, but his personality screams that he's four.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up and hand me my hoodie," Ryder sighed in defeat, hands working on the belt to his faded blue jeans, "Noah didn't come with you?"

Having enough of studying the boy, he turned his attention to the, green-flannel wearing, female. Leave it to Aria, to always wear those things, Miles tilted his head in the slightest as the two humans chatted. Her own brown eyes, a lighter shade, were narrowed behind her glasses as she made some sort of argument; Miles wasn't paying attention to the conversation, too busy studying the holes in the female's ripped black jeans. When he was done doing that, his gaze lifted to her bobbing hair bun as she talked; making wild gestures while doing so, a few strands of her dirty blonde hair falling into her face as she huffed and puffed on about something.

"—The queen has spoken, shut your face!" Aria's voice had pulled him out of his observation, glancing between the two, "But, seriously, do you need help getting into your chair?"

He doesn't need physical help, he needs psychological help. A kid seeing, and hearing, the dead at his age? Hell, it would bother just about anyone. No matter how hard you try and ignore it. It was true, Miles had witnessed the poor boy try and ignore him multiple times, along with other entities and ghouls. It wasn't something his host could switch off, even if he wanted to do so. Sure, Entity had his fair share in terrorizing the boy from their first encounter, but even he knew there were worst things than himself in the dead realm. 

"Maybe, I'll get a shriek out of Noah," Miles spoke over Aria's own voice, his shoulders lifting in a mere shrug, "All I have to do is give him a cold chill, and he's already assuming the worst."

It was always amused Miles, the few milliseconds of confusion that filled Ryder's expression when he spoke up. He was aware that only the boy could see him, he was nothing to anyone else. The sadistic side of him enjoyed it, it was always tempting to terrorize him— to break him, to shatter his sanity. Miles shook those vile thoughts away, crossing his arms once more as he watched Aria help adjust Ryder in his wheelchair. The two were lively, chattering and insulting each other. He envied them, envied their happiness. He envied their life. Life. Hmngh... The word brought a dull ache to the back of his head, clawed hand lifting up to rub at his temples. The dull ache, he knew it was his memory trying to push through.

"... We can't.... Class... Surprise..." Aria's voice suddenly sounded fuzzy to him, only able to catch small parts of what she was saying, "Ryder... Alright?"

The dull ache had become worse, making the Entity clutch his head with both hands; going as far as to hunch over, even. What the hell is this?! He didn't even have to look up to know that Ryder was holding his own head, the two had some sort of unbreakable bond after all. His tendrils whipped wildly behind him, snapping and cracking at the air as the skin around his mouth area ripped open to emit a soft cry(screech) of immense pain. Though, as soon as it had started, it had passed over. Nothing ached anymore, he felt dull and empty once more.

"Y-Yeah..." Ryder's hoarse tone caught his attention, the boy sounded shaky and breathless, "Yeah, I'm—I'm fine, just a headache... I didn't get much sleep, don't worry. Let's get goin', bum."

Perhaps my memories are coming back... How did I die?

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