Chapter Four: Trigger

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It was early in the morning, and the beginning of first block. The semester had changed, meaning so did the classes. A few days had passed over since Ryder had revealed his secret, and things had become just a little tense between the trio. A believer, and a skeptic.

"At least they didn't abandon you all together," Miles lifted his shoulders in a shrug, standing close to Ryder's table, "Also.. Why the hell do we always take the back of the class?"

The Entity took little, to no, interest in the kids pouring into the classroom. His gaze shifted over to the boy, scoffing a bit at seeing him slumped over his desk lazily. He noted that the boy was possibly trying to get a few minutes of shut eye, though he doubted that would even happen. Kids were loud and rowdy in the room, Miles despised all of them.

"Because, it doesn't draw much attention. Plus, I get to avoid all stares, and questions about my chair," Ryder muffled into his crossed arms, having his face buried into them, "No one likes the front of the class, anyways."

Miles didn't really care for his answer, simply watching a female approach his host. Looks like his outburst really did woo her, this kid has some good luck. She had seemed hesitant to approach, her steps slow and eyes darting away a few times. His head tilted in curiosity as she made her way over, a sound of interest left the Entity's throat. The girl, to his knowledge, and his host had partially known each other for years. From what he knew, they went to elementary together, but never became close. His gaze left her, and shifted onto Ryder. I know he's been crushing on her since I started tagging along, little Romeo.

"Don't look now, but your girlfriend is coming this way," Miles said with a rather singy-song tone, amused at how fast the boy sat up, "You should actually try and communicate this time, instead of yelling out the obvious."

Scarlett stood by the desk soon enough, and it was entertaining to the Entity with how quickly things had gotten awkward. Both young adults stiffly greeted each other, it was enough to make Miles cringe; the eye contact avoiding, the nervous laughter. Everything about it, it made him groan and slump his posture. Was I this awkward around girls? Something about the way they were acting, the way they were interacting. Something about it was so familiar, so painfully familiar. Nicole. A sudden name had popped into his mind, leaving him confused. Did I know a Nicole? The Entity stepped away as Scarlett took a seat beside his host, not exactly feeling the urge to have a human pass through him.

"Noah says you see the dead, is it true?" The question from the female had immediately caught Miles' attention, "Or, is he just messin'?"

The playful vibe had left as fast as it had come. His black eyes turned onto his tense host, a low growl of warning rumbling in his throat. He may like her, but this is exactly how people like him get locked up.

"Uh—Uh, no! No, no, it was just a big joke," Ryder shrugged his shoulder, pushing his hood off his head, "I can't see the dead, he was just dumb to believe me."

There was a long pause between the two, Miles glancing between them with another low growl. Thankfully, the teacher had walked into the classroom, already starting to introduce himself. I've never looked forward to these lectures, until now. Hopefully, that'll put the conversation off.

"I think you see them," Scarlett whispered, "No one can make up the things that Noah was talking about. So, when do we start solving this murder thing? You named him Miles? I like it."

"Get her off our case, Romeo," Miles hissed, mouth area tearing open to emit a small screech.

Another torturous pause was made, the teacher passing right by them; he was going on about the class rules, not that the Entity cared to listen.

".. His name is Miles, yes," Ryder murmured after the older male had left, turning his attention to the female, "He said he was murdered, and I need to help him. Not you, not Noah, and not Aria."

"You idiot," He lifted a hand, rubbing at his temple.

"Too late, I want in," She leaned back in her seat with an amused expression, "Does he know who did it?"

By this point, Miles didn't care to listen to the facts that he already knew. His posture slumped, a frustrated noise leaving his throat. I don't need his entire damn school knowing about me, he was quite embarrassed with the thought. Embarrassed. Embarrassed, he knew that feeling.

"He doesn't have a clue," Ryder sighed, "All he remembers is.. Well, he says there were two arguing voices. That's it, we have nothing other than that. No names, or descriptions."

"You need to familiarize him with things, try and trigger his memory," The female muttered to his host, "If we can get a name, we can go from there."

Who's Nicole?


Study hall was not the highlight of Miles' day, but it sure was Ryder's. The constant talking of others around the classroom always irritated the Entity, it was annoying to him. It was hard to focus on anything. Slowly, he shuffled closer to his host with an exasperated sound, arms crossing tightly at his chest. How can the teacher be okay with this? Let alone read with this noise? Huffing, he decided to turn his attention onto the brunette at his side.

"You're not going to say anything to me?" Miles questioned after a moment, leaning over and waving a clawed hand in front of the boy's face.

It always entertained Miles how the younger male ignored him, he took it as a challenge. He shifted his gaze to the book that the boy was reading, brows furrowed together. A Perfect Spy. The title of the book was familiar to him, he had read it. He had read this book. The Entity stared blankly at the page, there was a nagging feeling— It was eating at him, there was something about that book. There was something about that ripped, and tattered, book. A number came to mind.

"Miles are you—" Ryder had started in a small whisper.

"—Turn to page two seventy nine," He was quick to interrupt the concerned question with his demand, leaning closer to get a better look of the book.

He watched the pages being flipped through, a lump forming in the back of his throat. He wasn't sure what had gotten into himself, but he knew that he had to trust his instincts. There was something about that book, it was drawing him in. Miles felt the world around him come to a stop once the page was found, stare landing on a tiny sketch on the left, bottom, corner of the page. A hunched over figure, hands in their pockets. The sketch was faded, but, it was still there. It was still there.

"Miles, talk to me," His host whispered with urgency, staring at the dazed Entity.

His mind spun with multiple questions, hand lifting to hold the side of his head. That dull ache was back, throbbing unpleasantly in the rear side of his head. Trigger, the sketch had triggered something.

".. I don't..." The words were barely choked out, he wasn't able to process what he wanted to say.

An image burned into his mind, earning a pained snarl from the deceased male. A male sat at a table, posture hunched over a book; he was holding a pencil to the book. His hood was drawn over his head, hiding his facial features. Him, it was himself. The male wore a dark red hoodie, and black sweatpants. He was sitting in a classroom, constant bickering, and talking, could be heard; perhaps the voice of a teacher yelling as well.

"How did you know this was here?" Ryder's voice snapped him out of it, "Miles, how did you know this was even there?"

The Entity kept his silence ongoing, refusing to tear his gaze away from the book in the boy's hands. Refusing to take his eyes off that sketch. He ignored the firing questions for a long while, it felt like an eternity. Slowly, he felt the world coming back to him. He pulled away from Ryder steadily, almost at a snail's pace. His mind continuously buzzed with questions, he felt like was drowning; even going as far as questioning reality itself. The theory that had made sense, the only theory that was remotely possible had shocked even him. Finally tearing his gaze away from the book, his attention was turned onto his host.

"I knew it was there, because I was the one to draw it. I went to school here."

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