Chapter Seven: Lockdown

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The small restaurant was buzzing with life, people placing orders and having a good time. It wasn't a surprise, the pizzeria was always busy on saturday afternoons. The place was family-friendly, and always open to serve. Miles stuck close to the small group that he had gotten to know well, gaze roaming the packed area. This place wasn't built around my time, they had finished this two years after my disappearance. The Entity hummed at his own thoughts, turning his attention to the group of young adults.

"I'm just saying, maybe we can question the police, they know more about this than we do," Scarlett leaned back in her seat with crossed arms, "Martinez might be willing to give us some information, right?"

"Oh, my god. You seriously can't be that stupid," Aria hissed from the opposite side of the booth, "Whitlock told them that Martinez barely did anything on Miles' case. What makes you think that he'll willingly give over details? On top of that, he wouldn't give details like that, anyways."

He saw both points of the argument, arms crossing tightly at his chest. They do know more than we do, yes, but.. Why would they give the kids all that information? Whitlock said that Martinez barely lifted a finger once my case was open, could he possibly have had something to do with this? The elder didn't strike him as threatening, but, looks could be deceiving.

"Why the hell do we keep calling him Miles, if we know his real name?" Scarlett shot another question into the conversation.

"Jacob is dead to him, he wants to stay as Miles. Dare I say again, you girls need to get along. We're in this together, as a team," Ryder kept the explanation short, "Anyways, maybe Scarlett is right. I think it's worth a shot, and we can say that we at least tried every possibility. I think Noah and Scarlett should go check out this Cruz guy. Aria, you and I will go to the station."

Miles wasn't sure if that was the greatest idea, he agreed with Aria on this one. If they know the kids are on this, wouldn't there be a possibility of them being in trouble? His brows furrowed together in concentration, tendrils lazily waving behind his form. His gaze shifted over to Noah, head tilting at the boy as he shoved his plate away.

"Sounds like a plan," The ravenette haired male nodded in agreement, "Milk anything you can out of Martinez. Something must be off, if he didn't help much with the case.. Alright, everyone know the plan?"

The three others nodded.

"Alright, we'll meet back here afterwards. Stay safe, guys."


"How can I help ya' youngins'?" The sheriff questioned, closing the door to his office once the kids were let it, "Somethin' the matter?"

The Entity had stuck close to his host, looking around the small office. His arms crossed loosely at his chest, watching Aria take a seat next to Ryder in his peripheral vision. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't push away the annoying feeling anxiety eating away at the pit of his stomach. He felt overwhelmed, like something was off. Something was wrong, or, something was about to go wrong. His black eyes remained trained on Martinez as he took a seat at his desk, staring at the kids in front of him.

"We're here to talk about Jacob Price," Aria spoke up around her mouthful of pizza, having a slice in her hand, "What do ya' know about him?"

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