Chapter 13

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A/N: Wishaw! (I have no idea what that was) Who's excited for this chapter? I've been dying to write this for DAYS! I've been really busy though :( Anyways, here's the new chapter! Enjoy!

*Austin's POV*

I held Mariella close for the next twenty minutes trying to calm her down. When her words were finally intelligible, she was saying, "Don't tell Connor. Don't tell him what happened. Don't tell him what I saw. Don't tell him what I said." She was still sobbing into my shirt.

"Shhh. I won't. I promise." She sniffled for a little while longer before getting up and opening her locker. She took out a pad of sticky notes and wrote something on one of them. She stuck it on the locker a few down from hers before returning to her locker, getting her lunch, and putting it in her bag.

She gave me a hug. "Thank you so much. You're a good friend." I hugged her back, but when the bell rang she bolted, leaving me by her locker.

I walked to my locker and got my lunch before heading to the cafeteria. Shortly after I got there, Jack came over with Skylar clutching his arm. I couldn't believe they were still together.

"Hey, did you hear about what happened with Mariella?" Jack asked.

"In Mr. Morgan's class? Ya, she told me in American History."

Jack nodded, as though expecting that answer before digging into his food. Connor came over with a sullen look on his face.

"You okay?" I asked.

Connor passed me a yellow sticky note and said, "Mariella left that on my locker."

I read it over quickly:

Hey, Con.

I got lunch detention with Mr. Morgan so I won't be with you at lunch. See you after school!


I kept my mouth shut, but I really wanted to tell him about what else had happened.

*Mariella's POV*

I really thought that Sarah would've spread my little mental breakdown throughout the entire school by now, but the only people who seemed to treat me different were the kids from my American History class. Maybe she isn't so cold and heartless, I thought. Or, she was waiting until her stupid party to reveal it to everyone. I groaned inwardly as I walked home with Connor on the last day of school before break.

Today was the 20th and I had to start packing today. In that way, Connor and I could lay around an relax tomorrow before having to take a thirteen hour plane ride.

When I got home, I went up to my room and pulled my small black duffel from under the bed. I went over to the closet and pulled out a few sweaters and some jeans. I packed all the clothes I thought I would need for the trip. I had left most of my shirts and shorts back home so I would be fine in that department. I took my school bag and dumped it's contents in the corner before lying it next to my laptop and putting my ipod, passport, and wallet on top of it. I grabbed my rubik's cubes from where they were sitting on my knightstand before placing them on top as well.

I was halfway done changing before the doorbell rang. Shit. "JUST A MINUTE!" I yelled. I finished pulling on my shirt just as the door to my room opened. Connor stood in the doorway.

"You're lucky I finished changing before you came barging in here or I would've kicked your ass."

"Sorry. Maddie let me in by the way. Oh, and my mom is making pasta for dinner."

"Sweet," I said. Connor's mom occasionally made us meals every now and then because she knew how hard it was on Ms. Simmons to feed two teenagers and two small children every day. We went downstairs and started a movie.

We were about halfway through before my mind started racing. Did Austin tell him? Connor's been really nice lately. Then again that could just be my mind playing tricks on me. Did Sarah tell him? Did someone else tell him? Did he just figure it out? Oh, god. I groaned as I leaned forward and put my head in my hands.

"What's wrong?" Connor asked, rubbing my back.

"Um...nothing. It's-a headache I have a headache." It wasn't a complete lie. My head had started pulsing. I sat up and rubbed my temples to furthur convince him.

"I'll go get you some water," he said.

"Mmkay." I sipped at the water as we finished the movie, dreading the thing that I most feared: that Connor knew about what had happened.

*GASP* DOES Connor know?! Find out next Friday ;) I hoped you liked this chapter! I think it was kind of short :P Bye!

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