Side Stage (Jalex)

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This oneshot was requested by MyChemicalBrides123
Band - All Time Low
Pairing - Jalex (Jack and Alex)

Alex POV
So we had finished performing on stage and as always the crowd was fucking crazy.

You Me At Six were about to perform next so I decided I would watch at the side of the stage. It's something I like to do, watch other bands perform I've seen other bands do it with us I feel like it brings us all closer together if you get what I mean.
"Hey Alex you gonna watch us play?" Asked Josh
"Of course!" I cheered on he gave a huge grin before walking onto the stage welcomed by cheering fans.

As I was listening to Josh sing his heart out I jumped out my skin as I felt arms wrap around me and someone's head rest on my shoulder.

I turned my head to see it was Jack ha, obviously. "Hey lex" he chirped
"Hey" I responded
"Invading my personal space much?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Fine" he huffed releasing his arms away from me.

"Hey!" I called out grabbing his arms placing them back around me "I didn't say to let go" I responded with a playful smirk.

As the show went on I felt myself relax more in Jacks arms especially when they started to perform crash. I closed my eyes chuckling as Jack started to sing the lyrics down my ear which tickled.

As the show went on Jack was kind of swaying us both side to side with each song that played. It was nice I would be more difficult to do something like this in the crowd as people go fucking crazy but it's their way of enjoying the music.

As they finally finished they walked off stage to go and cool off. "They were fucking amazing tonight" I exclaimed.
"It's was better because you where with me" responded Jack causing me to blush a little which is something I don't really do often.

I leaned up kissing Jack in the cheek, quickly he turned around so my lips touched his. I raised an eyebrow and Jack looked at me with a smirk on his face "you call that a kiss?" I questioned.
"Wanna see me do better?" Asked Jack
"Of course" I said playfully as Jack leaned down capturing my lips with his.

One of his hands cupped my cheek while the other held onto my hand that was placed on his chest. As we pulled away he rested his head on mine before looking up into my eyes.
"Better?" He asked.
I smirked before looking up at him "much better"

I apologise for it being so short

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