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it reminded me of

that one coldplay song

that he would always sing to me.

he would sing of the yellow stars

and how they'd shine a brilliant yellow

for me.

i never agreed with him.

but i liked that he felt

like such a warm

and beautiful colour

deserved to be associated

with an un-yellow person

such as myself.

i loved the colour yellow

because it reminded me

of his yellow hair

and yellow attitude

and yellow personality.

he was always

the positive one.

the smiling one.

the happy one.

he was the yellow one.

he was the one

that the brilliant yellow stars

would shine their brilliant yellow light for.

not for me.


we drifted apart

and then i was

even un-yellow-er

than i ever was


but he never noticed.

and i found,

worryingly enough,

that i didn't mind

so much

as i would've done

if i had become


just a few months earlier.

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