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it reminded me of

how green i felt

when i saw him

with her.

it was after

we had drifted apart

and i was just

a stray green row boat

without oars.

i had seen them


when i had gotten lost

down green luck road.

i found myself

in martha's nightclub

and the door was stained green.

and it scared me

because i knew that

when martha's door

was green,

only bad things

could happen.

i shrugged,

rolled my eyes

that had become


opened the door.

the first thing i saw

when i looked at the green bar

was him.

with her.

and i felt green.

because that

should've been me

and my green eyes


she didn't deserve

to be with him,

of course not.

i did.

but she just got green.

the lucky kind of green.

not my kind of green,

not my envious, jealous green.

she got his green,

his green flannel

that he lent me

only a few days


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