Chapter 1

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Some how the first part messed up and deleted all that I had written, so here is a redo.

Ashley sat on Andy's bed recalling all the memories he had of him. He did not want to accept the fact that he was now gone but he had to if he wanted to move on. It was tragic the teenager took his life without even a note to explain why. Ashley thought he was fine, happy, loved...something else was going through his head. Andy did well hiding the truth from his friends and family but he could not hide it from himself.

Their was a missing part of the story though, a story written inside the pages of a book hidden from the world. Ashley wanted coverage, he wanted to know why his beloved boyfriend took his life. Something, someone caused him to not want to live another day. Ashley was going to find that out.

With tear stained cheeks, Ashley began searching the empty room for something, anything. He knew Andy loved to write so there had to be something that explained the untimely death. He ran his tan calloused hands over anything that could hide something. He stripped the bed of its sheets, blankets, and mattresses. All the books were strewn across the floor and every container emptied of its content. Andy's CD's were all over the floor as well as his clothes and jackets. The whole room was a mess now and still there was no sign of anything.

Ashley's head fell giving up the idea of any note Andy could have written. He wanted to scream and punch holes in the wall. Why did Andy have to go? He was the kindest and most caring person. He had so much to live for and now, now he could not fulfill his life.

Ashley wiped the stray tear from his cheek, picking up his bag, and started walking out of the room. He stopped though when he heard a floor board creak. It hit him, he dropped to his knees pushing the creaky board in to find that it moved. He knew something was under there, there had to be something. Andy just could not leave him like this.

With a flat head in his hand, he began to lift the floor board out of its place. What Ashley saw made him break out in a huge smile. There resting under the floor board was a small notebook with Andy's name scribbled on the front. This is what he was looking for, the missing piece of the story, Andy's story. Carefully, he took the notebook out of its hiding place and flipped to the first page. It was a diary, his diary. Ashley sat on Andy's bed and began reading the missing piece.

Dear Diary,

Another house and a new neighborhood, this had to be the 5th time we moved so far. So that made it the fifth house, the fifth school, and the fifth snobby neighborhood I lived in so far. I hated it, I hated it so much that it made me want to rip out my hair. I knew that mom could not help it, she had to transfer when her job made her. I didn't complain about it, It was not my place to tell mom what she should and should not do. I just had to live with it. Maybe this school would be different. Maybe I would actually fit in.

I had my headphones shoved into my ears feeling the music flood into my brain. I stared lonely out of the bus window watching water droplets slowly slide down and off the window. My first day of school, my senior year, starting out with depressing wet weather. I wanted to go home so bad, what did school do for me? It makes me feel stupid and incapable of learning. I'm surrounded by cone heads.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder walking off the yellow death trap with my hood on. I could feel the water seeping though my jacket and clothes while making my way through the large green doors. My first stop was to the office where a very old lady with white hair and glasses handing me my class schedule. Second stop was to my locker were a couple were feverishly making out. I swear if no one was around, they would have been doing other things. I gave a disgusted look before heading to my first class. Maybe the couple would be gone after first period...yeah no I was completely wrong.

By the time I knew it lunch had rolled around and I was stuck with no where to sit. Fuck my life. I found myself wandering down the hallway with my bagged lunch in hand. At first I was well okay with sitting on the floor and eating my food, but I just so happened to stumble across the school library. Yay for me.

I found a empty seat in the back close to a window. It was not the best but I had to sit somewhere. I quietly ate my lunch watching my surroundings. There were mostly cone heads sitting at computers or with other cone heads. A few looked like descent people but I did not want to intrude. In all honesty I kinda liked eating alone and watching the others for my own enjoyment.

After lunch was over I headed to the other side of the school where my music class was. Finally something that was useful. I took a seat in the back corner, I know I know I just love corners, taking out a notebook and pen. Everyone around me talking to one another waiting for the teacher to arrive, I just doodled in the back of my notebook. The class quieted down as a man walked through the with a weird tall hat on. He paraded around the room going to every student asking them questions about music. I kept my fingers crossed that he would just skip over me.

"And last but not least we must ask the new student in our class, what brought you to pick music." He brought a fake microphone up to my face waiting for my answer. I didn't answer though, I did not want to sound like a smacked ass in front of the whole class on my first day of school.

"Shy aren't we. Well by the end of the year I promise you will feel like we are all family in here." He turned around and made his way to the front of the class starting his whole speech on the evolution of music. It still felt like I had all these eyes on me, boring into the side of my face. Why did he have to drawl all this attention on me, I could barley handle my family let alone a class of 25 people.

I slouched in my seat hiding my face with my dark hair nonchalantly scoping out the class. I saw the group of kids that were in the library huddled together talking about God knows what. They wore black jeans and band t-shirts, sort of like how I was dressed. One guy wore black cowboy boots while the others were wearing converses or vans.

"Jake would you care to explain to the class why we feel a sort of emotion while listening to music." The teacher asked to one of the guys in the group, interrupting their conversation. The guy know as Jake opened his mouth to talk buy got caught off by the bell. Everyone began to pack up and leave as well as the group from the library.

I picked up my books and headed out to my locker where luckily it was free of face sucking cone heads. I put my books away, making my way out to the buses where I found mine with no problem. I sat somewhere in the middle with my head pressed up against the window. I let out a small sigh just waiting for the bus to drop me off at my house where I knew I was going to be alone for a while. All I wanted to do right now was to lay down in my bed and close my eyes. The first day was draining and I just wanted to get the rest of it over with.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the bus stopped in front of my house to let me off. I made my way down the steps racing into my house so I would not get so drenched like this morning. I kicked off my shoes, shrugged of my jacket off, and laid down on the couch. I was ready to sleep.


Andy 9/1/2015


First chapter of my new fanfiction. I hope you like how it's played out with journal entries from Andy telling his story up until his death. There will be some third person point of view that explains what is happening to Ashley. Over all I hope everyone enjoys this.

Dear Diary {Andley}Where stories live. Discover now