Authors Note

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Thank you so much for reading my fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you have any questions about the story or you just want to say hi, feel free to message me or comment. Share this story with your friends, family, and or random people so they can experience this fanfic as well. I hope I didn't make anyone cry during this, if so hugs! Also suicide is never the answer. If you are feeling this way please reach out to someone or if you know someone who is going through this and hurting please reach out for them. I have listed a phone number you can call and also a link with other hotlines.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline-  1-800-273-8255 

Link to all hotlines-

On a better note I am in the process of writing a new fanfiction. I'm not sure what it will be or what will happen but I should figure it out in a few days. I will keep everyone posted. Have a nice day everyone :)

Ps. I'm also writing an alternate ending chapter for this as well. So look out for that.

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