What they do to comfort you

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Harry: he asks you what happened and you explain and then he cuddles you until you feel better

Ron: he asks if there's anything he can do for you and everytime you just want a kiss

Draco: you guys sit in the forest and you explain everything, then he kisses you passionately and smirks, and asks, "how do you feel now, Princess?"

Fred: he asks you if you wanna go prank Snape and you always agree and have so much fun together

George: you guys go pranking everyone in Slytherin and watch their hilarious reactions

Neville: he lets you cry on his shoulder. When you finish crying, he asks what's wrong, you explain everything, and then he starts to try and make you laugh and play with your hair.

Luna: she lets you vent it all out, and then she gives you emotional support rather than ways to help you solve the problem.

Hermione: Depending on the situation, she bounces back between advice and comfort. She mostly gives you comfort, but if someone is giving you a hard time, she'll offer lots of advice. You and her will also read a good book to calm yourself down.

Cho: She will sit by you and hug you. She doesn't expect you to tell her what's wrong, but if you do, she'll listen to you. She's there for you, but she will rarely give you advice. She wants to create a quiet atmosphere so you can relax.

Pansy: She'll give you advice, and if there's someone involved, she'll tell you that she'll curse them, which results in you letting out a good laugh afterward. Occasionally she'll take you out for butterbeer to get your mind off things.

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