He Finds Out You Self-Harm(Neville)

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Your POV
It's now morning and I need to find Neville. I rushed to the Great Hall, and saw Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle talking to Neville. This can't be good. I ran up to them and listened to what they were saying.
Draco: Hey Neville can I meet your parents one day? Oh right, the Cruciatus Curse was used on them.
*Crabbe and Goyle laugh*
Crabbe: bet they went out on purpose so that curse could be used on them because they never wanted to see you or remember you again
*more laughter*
"SHUT UP!!" I yelled. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Neville turned to me.
"He's been through enough already. You shouldn't be picking on anyone. How would you feel if you never get to see your parents again? And if you did, how would you feel if they didn't remember you?" I asked
"Longbottom's got an overprotective girlfriend" Draco smiled. Crabbe and Goyle laughed.
"You diss my boyfriend, you diss me." I hissed
"Stop it, Y/N. Neville's gettin mad. He thinks you're making him look weak. Look at his face. He wants you to leave!" Draco smirked. I looked at Neville, his face flushed. I causally walked away to the common room. I found a knife on the table, and knew what I had to do. I started making light cuts, then deeper, and deeper. I started feeling dizzy and everything went black.
Neville's POV
Y/N has missed 3 classes so far. I'm getting really worried. I should look for her. I decided to check the common room, because she loves being there.
"Password?" Fat Lady asked
"Potrificus Totalus." I said
The door opened and I walked in. I saw Y/N on the floor.
"Oh my godric!" I started to hyperventilate.
"What do I do, what do I do?" I started to pace too.
Be a good boyfriend, and take her to Madam Pomfrey.
>1 day later<
I need to see Y/N. I'm falling apart, little by little.
"Madam Pomfrey? I need to see Y/N." I said
"No. Won't happen." Madam Pomfrey scoffed
"Please!!! I'm literally dying without her." I begged
There was a pause
"You have 5 minutes." Madam Pomfrey sighed. Oh thank Godric.
I walked up next to Y/N
"Y/N?" I asked
"N-Neville? You came." Y/n sighed of relief
"Of course I came to see my beautiful and amazing girlfriend." I smiled. Y/N giggled.
"So how did you pass out?" I asked
"W-well I was wondering why everyone made fun of us all the time. If everyone really got to know you they'd see what an amazing person you are. I think I'm the luckiest person alive being with you. And it made me sad that people always make fun of your parents. They don't know what you've been thro-" y/n tried to say but at the last word I couldn't take anymore so I placed a soft kiss on her lips.
"N-Neville..you'll late me for how I passed out...but I self harmed." Y/N said, showing me her cuts. I gasped, and tears started rolling down my cheeks.
"N-Neville don't cry I can't bear seeing you like that." Y/N started to get upset. I stopped crying because I didn't want her to get upset or anything.
"Y-Y-Y/N, you know Draco is just a git right? W-Why would you self harm because of a lie?" I asked
"I'm fed up. People need to stop making fun of you. And there is nothing I could do. So I thought I wasn't good enough and started self harming..." Y/N told me.
"W-Well Y/N if you're ever about to self harm again maybe think of the people who love you and decide if you really want to leave them. You could've died!" I suggested
"O-Okay Neville. I'm r-really so-sorry." Y/N apologized, and started to cry. I wiped off her tears and gave her a passionate kiss.
"I love you Y/N." I told her. But right now I don't think that's enough..
"Neville, it is enough. I never thought I'd actually be loved, the freak I am. Thank you for everything you've done for me." Y/N said.
I said that out loud?
"You said that out loud too." Y/N giggled.
"I'm just glad you're alright!" I exclaimed giving her one more kiss.
Then Madam Pomfrey walked in.
"I can release her. I recommend you two go to Madam Puddifoot's." Madam Pomfrey smirked.
"No thanks, not my thing." Me and Y/N said at the same time and then we laughed.

HP Imagines/Preferences/one-shots{EDITING}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang