He Finds Out You Self Harm(Harry)

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A while back, Ron said if you hang out with Harry too much, Ron would tell Harry you wanna break up with him. Harry believes a lot that Ron says, so you decided to challenge yourself to stay away from Harry for a week. On the 3rd day, you really needed help with Charms, and Hermione wasn't available, so you went to Harry. After half an hour, Ron saw you two, and you ran away. You saw Ron talking to Harry and you ran to Myrtle's bathroom. You went into the stall next to hers and said "Accio razor!" and started to cut. When you were about to make the cut that'd end it all, Harry came running in. You sent the knife away and hid your scars with your sleeve.

"Hey Harry, I was just using the bathroom and talking to Myrtle." You lied. You were holding back tears because you hate lying to Harry and cuz your scars hurt.

"No, Ron said you wanna break up with me then I saw you run. What's going on between you two?" Harry asked

"Ron told me if I didn't stay away from you, he'd try to end the relationship. He thinks you spend too much time with me." I explained

"Ron could've told me how he was feeling and we could've sorted it out, but NO ONE threatens my girlfriend." Harry said sharply. The blood from your cut was oozing out onto your white sweater. Harry noticed, and asked, "What's on your wrist?"

"N-nothing." You lied, and turned away from Harry. He grabbed you, and pulled up your sleeve.

"Y-Y/N. Why?" Harry asked, and a tear slipped down his face.

"I'm so fed up with this all. I can't take it anymore. I've been so lonely recently. Ron is a jerk." You screamed.

It turned out Ron was by the door, and he ran. He actually felt REALLY bad about what he did.

"Nothing, not even Ron, will get in the way of us." Harry assured you and pulled you into a hug


Part 2 is coming soon! I'm doing this for Harry, Neville, and Fred and George.

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