James x Severus x Reader

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Your POV
The Yule Ball is coming up, and guys I don't even know have been asking me. I've turned them down each time. I don't plan on going anyway...

As I made my way to the Quidditch bleachers, I felt someone run after me. I turned around and it was James Potter.

"Hi James!" I greeted

"H-Hey Y/N." James replied quietly. I offered for him to come sit with me by the Quidditch fields, and he gladly accepted. When we sat down, I felt someone sit on my other side. I turned to see who it was and it was Severus Snape.

I smiled, "Hey Sev!"

Severus ran his fingers through his hair, and said hello back.

James and Severus are kinda acting weird around me. I wonder if they're keeping something from me...

"Are you two okay?" I suddenly asked

Sev was the first to reply, "Um, yeah! J-Ju-Just fine."

I started to worry about Severus. I turned to James, and he said the same thing. These two are definitely hiding something...

I sighed, and took out some textbooks and studied for a bit.

I felt James watch over me, and Severus was just looking the other way. Severus looked pretty depressed...and James looked nervous.

I put my books away and spoke up again, "Seriously, are you guys alright? I'm really starting to worry!"

They both turned to me, and at the same time they asked, "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

This made me a bit frustrated, because this meant I had to choose, or drop them both. No matter what I did; it'd hurt someone.

"Can I have awhile to think?" I begged

"Don't take too long." James said.

Severus scoffed.

"Of course, take your time Y/N." He smiled sweetly.

I smiled back, and started to think awhile:

'If I went with James, we'd probably go crazy, and might cause some trouble, but I don't mind.'

'If I went with Sev, we'd still have fun. He's really sweet, and we'd probably just talk though the whole night.'

'But whoever I choose, the other person will feel left out! I can't go with both of them, and if I turn both of them down it'll upset them even more.'

I started to get a small migraine from all of this thinking, and started yanking my hair.

Severus pulled my hand out my hair gently, and held my hand for awhile.

I started to get a little nervous, but I was enjoying myself.

James broke our hands apart, "You're just trying to get her to go with you, being all sweet and all."

"He's always like this toward me, James." I assured him. And it was true.

James sighed.

"I should get to go with her, because I'm awesome. I have been since birth." James said.

I laughed a little bit and his sass, but I didn't want an argument to start.

"I should take Miss L/N to the ball, for I will make sure she'll have a great time." Severus argued.

This went on for awhile, until I yelled, "SILENCE!"

I startled the two, and they got quiet right away.

"Just give me time to think, please you two."

Severus nodded, and James did shortly after. I left them, and headed back in the castle.

At dinner, from the Slytherin table, I heard:
"I'm in a competition with James Potter."

I turned and saw Severus talking.

"Why?" Lucius Malfoy asked him.

"We're kinda, uhh... fighting over who gets to take Y/N to the Yule Ball" Severus explained.

I got a little angry that it turned into a competition, but nobody's ever fought over me before.

I was honestly thinking about having Sev take me, we've been friends since we were both 3. But I don't want to upset James, we had some really good times too.

I walked up to where my best friend, Lily Evans, was sitting.

I sighed as I sat next to her.

"What's wrong?" She asked almost immediately

"Sev and James are fighting over me."

"What? Why?"

"They both wanna take me to the Yule Ball..."

"You should just think about it. We have a week." Lily suggested

"I know Lils..."

"By the way, Sev has been talking about you a lot lately." Lily told me.

"So has James.". a voice said. it belonged to Sirius

I slammed my hand on the Gryffindor table, stood up, and stormed out of the Great Hall, and ran to my common room.

I was alone in there, thank goodness. I felt like the choice I made would change my life forever. That's how James as Severus made me think. They're making it more complicated than it already is.

I lay on the floor, pondering what I should do. I want to make the right choice, but I need to figure out what that is. If only I had someone to talk to it about.

After that thought, the common room door opened. It was Remus.

He came and sat by me, "I heard what's happened..."

I sighed.

"They're my best friends, I hate to see them fight."

"Oh, they've never really gotten along." Remus told me.

I sighed once again, and walked to my dorm. I definitely needed some sleep.

pm me who should go with Y/N: James or Severus? I at least need 4 people to PM me. thanks :)


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