Stitch 1

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I stare out at the orange colored forest trees. It's autumn which makes the leaves turn to a crisp color. "It's time to go." My grandfather says. It's just the two of us now.

Today we are heading out to visit my mother's grave. It's the anniversary of her death, the day she died. She died many years ago while I was a child. I was only told that it was a fire incident.

We got into the carriage and the horses lead us off to the graveyard. As we arrive and get off the carriage, it is just my grandfather and I visiting on this day. I set flowers on top of her gravestone and stare blankly at the cracked stone.

"Darling, I think it's time." My grandfather coughs. He places his hand on my shoulder.

I look up at him in confusion. "Time for what?" I ask.

"You are old enough to know the truth now." He sighs, exhaling softly. "The fire incident.. wasn't just an incident." My grandfather slowly sits on a bench as he explains to me.

"Your mother was a witch who used black magic. She was a kind person while she had you. Though using black magic made her a little crazy." He takes a few breaths before continuing. "A villager caught her doing magic one day and she was sent into exile."

I bite my lip as his words go through my ears. "They burned her, like they burned all the other witches." Swallowing my tears, I nod as he finishes. He gives me a soft smile at my courage.

We take the carriage back home. "The basement... you didn't let me go in it because of mom's witchery?" He nods and slowly pulls out a key. Placing the key in my hands, he gives me a small smile.

"This is the basement key. I trust you, you are a young adult and have responsibility." Grandfather says. As we walk into the house, he walks up to the attic to hole himself in his letter writings.

I gently twirl the rusted key in my fingers. Should I go look? Curiosity pokes at me like a thousand needles itching me to move. Maybe I can find out more about mom? My feet walk me down the stairs, heading towards the basement. My body has made my decision for me.

Voodoo Doll 『VIXX Hongbin』Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang