Stitch 2

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I stare at the basement doors. The worn out wood have cracks in them and visibly looks like they have not been opened in years. Maybe I shouldn't.. Eh, what's going to go wrong?

Shrugging, I push the key into the door and fight to turn it. Kicking the key with my foot, I use all my strength just to get it to turn a bit. Gathering my arm muscles, I push on the key so hard I thought my hands were going to snap off. Finally, the key turns and a click of the door unlocking is heard.

Carefully, I push open the door. A few bats fly out and I duck so I don't get clawed at. Walking into the room, there are a bunch of books and papers scattered everywhere along with random glass bottles. There are also other rooms in here too.

A doll lying on a table in the middle of the room catches my eye. There is a large metal needle stabbed into the doll. Carefully, I pull out the needle and set it on the table. Surprisingly, there is no hole from the needle in the doll. I stroke the doll's head softly, getting the dust off of it. Then a noise rustling in one of the rooms startles me. I can suddenly feel someone's presence.

I turn around and see a man in front of the glass wall. Why is there a man in here? The door was locked for many years. Has he been here this whole time? Many thoughts went through my mind as I slowly approached the wall. Pressing my hand against the glass, he looks at me, scrunching his nose in a growl at me. His eyes are X's just like the doll's eyes.

Though his eyes are like that, he is very handsome. I notice obscure things about him as well. There are glass shards stuck in his arm as well as random needles poked into his skin. It looks painful but it doesn't seem like he notices it at all. Unconsciously, my hand reaches for the latch that opens up the wall. I pull on the latch and let him out.

Voodoo Doll 『VIXX Hongbin』Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora