Stitch 13

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Hongbin opens the door and waves at the chauffer to stop the carriage. The man pulls back on the leather straps, making the horses stop in place. Getting out of the carriage, Hongbin leaves me behind, practically marching the opposite way we are heading. I jump out and apologize to the chauffer before running after Hongbin. His long legs created a greater distance than what I'd originally thought.

It takes a while before I could actually catch up to him, running out of breath when I do. Once I'm only a few feet away from him, I realize that he's holding up the man from earlier by the neck. The man struggles against his grip, squirming to get away from him. Hongbin has no expression on his face as he strangles the man.

Frightened, I grab Hongbin's arm and pull down, "Stop!" The moment I yell, Hongbin opens his hand and drops the man harshly to the ground. The couple runs off with the girl holding up his weight on her shoulder. Turning to Hongbin, I stare at him in the eyes to find that he's still motionless. "How could you do this?" I say, with tears in my eyes.

Immediately he pulls me into his embrace, bending down so that he can wrap his arms around me. Going onto his knees, his hands slide down my arms and drop down to his sides. "Hit me." He says.

"W-What? Why?" I ask, shocked.

"I made you cry.. Hit me, punish me," Hongbin states while looking at me. Shaking my head, I hesitantly hug him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I stroke his hair gently as I cry with my chin on his head.

"I just want to go home," I say with a cracky voice through my tears. Hongbin picks me up, holding my legs up with his arms as he runs forward. Tightening my grip around his neck, I cling to him, afraid that he'll drop me. He runs in the direction of where my house is. The wind dries my tears, blowing our hair as we pass through all the trees.

I stare at Hongbin as he runs without an expression on his face. Although he's been running for a long time, there's no sign of him being tired, not even a drop of sweat on his forehead. After a long while, he finally runs up the steps to my house and sets me down. I notice bags on the floor and realize that the chauffer dropped off our groceries for us. Slightly smiling, I pick up the bags and head inside with Hongbin following behind me.

When I finish putting the groceries away in the cabinets, I look at the red apples sitting in a bowl on the counter.  "If only I'm good at cooking.. I want to eat apple pie," I say to myself. Hongbin reaches over my shoulder and grabs the bowl of apples. He starts cutting the apples with a sharp knife with me watching him intently.

(A/N: Okay. I don't know how to make an apple pie from scratch soooo.. time skip.)

It's been a few minutes since Hongbin placed the raw apple pie he made in the oven. The sweet scent fills my nostrils as we wait for it to bake. "Is it done yet?" I ask impatiently.

"You have to wait," Hongbin smiles, flicking my forehead. Pouting, I lay my head on the table with my arms sprawled out. Looking up I make eye contact with Hongbin with neither of us looking away. He places his chin on the table, staring straight at me as our faces are only a few inches away from each other.

My cheeks instantly start to get heated as we continue to look into our eyes. Before we could do anything else, the oven beeps signaling that the pie is done. Hongbin takes out the pie with a cloth, setting it on the table. While the pie cools down, he slices the pie into pieces.  Once the pie cools we take out three slices of pies onto plates. "I'll be right back," I say, taking one of the plates with a fork and head upstairs.

Going into grandfather's room, I set the plate onto his desk. Grandfather is too focused in writing to notice, so I leave silently, not wanting to disturb his thought process. Heading back downstairs, I sit down next to Hongbin at the kitchen table. He's already eating the pie without waiting for me to come back. Looking at the slice of pie, my mouth starts to salivate as the steam hits my nose.

"Do you want me to feed you?" Hongbin asks. I look at him with my eyes widened in a slight shock. Taking my fork, he scoops up a piece of the apple pie and holds it up to my lips. Reluctantly, I open my mouth and he pushes the piece into my mouth, pulling the fork out as I close my lips together. My cheeks grow as hot as the apple pie as I turn away from Hongbin, hearing him chuckle next to me.

Voodoo Doll 『VIXX Hongbin』Where stories live. Discover now