Stitch 3

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× Hongbin's P.o.v

I hear the door open as bats fly out of the room. For many years I have not heard anything move at all besides the bats and rats. My chest has been in the same pain for many years. I've been in this same spot, on the floor for all these years, I have not moved an inch. The stabbing pain I feel in my chest won't allow me to move. Footsteps catch my attention as I lay still like a doll. Suddenly, the pain in my chest is gone, like a needle in my chest has been pulled out. I feel soft strokes on my head causing me to get up.

I walk up to the glass wall to see a girl. She turns around and stares at me. Anger and fear mixes up inside of me. The witch who cursed me with a voodoo doll. I notice that she is smaller than I remember years ago. She places her hand on the glass wall. I bring my face closer to the wall, scrunching my nose in a growl. Anger boils inside of me as I remember the pain she gave me for many many years. My nails claw at the glass wall. She reaches for the latch and pulls it down, opening the glass wall for me to come out.

Smelling the different scent of the air, I run out and tackle the girl. She falls to the ground with me on top of her. My hands wrap around her neck, shaking her violently. Her face changes from fear to pain and horror. The witch's face flashes in my mind. My mind compares her face to this girl's face. They are not the same person. Slowly, I release my hands and stare at the girl. I place my hand on her cheek, this girl is not the witch who pained me. Bringing my face closer to the girl, I stare into her eyes as she gasps for air. Her eyes don't have the lust of torture like the witch did when she hurt me. But this girl resembles her greatly. Did the witch leave me in here like this to make this girl? My thoughts are interrupted as the girl speaks to me. "I'm not here to hurt you." She coughs.

Getting off of her, I sit next to her on the floor. Slowly, she sits up, rubbing her hands on her neck. My hands left red marks on her neck. Her eyes turn their attention to me, staring at my body. She carefully moves her hand towards my arm where glass shards are stuck inside of me. I move my arm away from instinct, causing her to flinch back. Confusion flickers in my mind when she flinches back. "Does it hurt?" The girl asks. I stare at the shards and needles in my arm. They have been stuck in me for who knows how many years. In response, I shake my head. "Can I take them out?" She asks. Take them out? She doesn't want to put more in, like the witch? Confused, I nod my head and let her scoot closer to me.

Her hands shake with caution as she picks up tweezers from the table. Carefully taking my arm in her embrace, she brings the tweezer to a glass shard. As she slowly pulls out the one glass shard, blood starts to drip out of my arm. In fear, she flinches back and drops the tweezers. "I-I'm sorry!" She says as she wraps my bleeding arm with her handkerchief. My eyes stare at her in wonder. "Does it not hurt?.. I wonder how long they have been stuck in your arm. I will take them all out now, please bare with me." The girl speaks, picking up the tweezers once more.

Taking out the rest of the glass shards one by one, she continuously wipes away the blood seeping out of my arm. The girl shakily pulls out needles and nails from my arm as well. After finishing on arm, she moves onto my other arm. I can see the fear and disgust in her face and she removes all of the objects in my arm. She rips off pieces of cloth from her skirt to wrap around my arms. "..Who did this to you?" She asks, keeping her eyes focused on my arms.

Trying to find my vocals, I spit out the word, "..witch." All these years while the witch was gone, I never moved a muscle nor have I spoken a word. The girl reacts to the word and tears visibly form in her eyes. She swallows her tears and turns to me. Our eyes meeting each other directly. "I'm sorry." She speaks, placing a hand on my cheek. Warmth radiates from her as our skin make contact. Slowly, I place my hand on top of her head, roughly stroking my hair. I don't remember how to control my strength. Actually.. I don't remember who I am.

Voodoo Doll 『VIXX Hongbin』Where stories live. Discover now