Chapter 39

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"Are you ready?" Sarah banged at my door. I opened them and looked at her. "Are you trying to break in or something? Chill girl, I'm ready." I said walking past her.

"Whats up to you? Is there something you are not telling me girl?" Sarah asked stepping in front of me.

"No, why?" I asked nervously. "Well I don't know. You tell me. I am not the one walking around like a fresh cucumber." She said and I started laughing.

"No..I am fine, I just din't know what to say when I see Daniel." I said looking away from Sarah.

"Oh come on Ash. It was just a sex, that's nothing you have to shamed off." She said linking arms with me as we walked outside our apartment. 

We drove down the road in silence. I couldn't stop thinking about Justin. What did he wanted to talk about. Why now, why after I thought he moved on. Questions flew through my mind and I couldn't concentrate on one thing that needed to be done. I still had to speak with Daniel. We haven't spoke since Friday night and it was Monday already. I was scared, scared to face him.

"Okay, something else is bothering you, spill." Sarah said looking at me. we were stuck in the traffic and there was no way out of this situation.

"Justintextedmelastnight." I blurred out looking away from her.

"He did what? Why?" She said giving me the look.

"He said that he wanted to see me." I whispered.

"That bitch. What did you tell him?" 

"He is coming to our place after work." I said still not looking at her. 

She turned my head so my eyes met hers as I saw the unknown expression all over her face. "You know that I love you more than anyone else but ARE YOU INSANE? " She raised her voice. "He is the one who hurt you, he made you feel like this in the first place. Are you willing to go through this again? Why?" She asked now calmly. 

"I don't know the answer to this question but I feel like it. Don't make me change my mind." I begged.

"That is exactly what I'm trying to do here. Oh my God Ash. I can't believe this" she spoke.

I didn't spoke. I wanted to see him and there was no one who could change my mind. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea but still, I wanted this....

After we finally arrived to Starbucks none of us moved. I looked at Sarah and she was in a deep thoughts about something. I sighed and was about to open my passenger door till I heard Sarah's voice.

"Ash wait. I'm sorry. This is your life and if you want to see him, do it. I am not here to stop you. I'll always be there for you. And all I want for you is to be happy. I still think that you guys are meant to be and nothing gonna change the way I feel about you and Justin. I know that you love him, I know that he loves you. Just be careful. Don't let him break you. I will always be there when you need me, and I am so sorry that I reacted this way. " She said looking down to her hands.

I wrapped one arm around her shoulder and hugged her. "I love you sister no matter what." I said.

After our little break down we finally walked inside. We changed our clothes and were about to open the shop when I saw Daniel walking inside.

"Sorry girls, I'm running late" he said kissing both our cheeks. We looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders.

He looked the same as always, not even a glare my way. I was surprised, because last time I checked I showed him off and he left my apartment not saying a word.

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