Chapter 46

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I woke up next morning feeling much better, I wanted to make everything right again. My mom always knew how to help me and she didn't fail helping me again. It was a new day and a new opportunity for me to make things better. A new start. 

After doing my morning routine I walked downstairs but stopped in my tracks as soon as I heard my mother speaking through the phone I think.

- " Yes I'll make sure he gets there in time. I know. Thank you so much again, we need this as mush as he do. Okay, I'll see you then. Bye." She said and turned around jumping a bit, as soon as she saw me. I walked down the rest of the stairs entering kitchen area. Mom followed soon after giving me a side hug witch I accepted, since I was in a surprisingly good mood. " Who were you talking with?" I asked staring down at her. Sometimes I still crack a laugh just looking at her small figure. How is she so little and I'm so much taller than her? 

" I called Scooter this morning, he would like to see you today if that's okay with you." She said and I just looked at her not knowing what to say. " I know that I shouldn't get in to your business, but I can't stand here and do nothing..I came here to help and I'll do everything it takes to get you back where I last saw you." She said and a smile appeared on my  lips. She is the most amazing mother in the world. I serious. "No, no mom. I was about to call him anyway. Thank you." I said giving her another hug.

After our breakfast we left the house and I have to say that I was as nervous as I ever been in my life. Last time I spoke to Scooter didn't go well. Hes last words to me was ' We have nothing to talk about. I want you out of my office as soon as possible' .. but I was ready to face him and listen to whatever he had to say. I wanted to start fresh. 

I parked my car and looked outside at the tall building, I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. "Don't be nervous Justin, all you need to do is listen what he has to say, it can't be that bad, can it?" She said and a laugh escaped my mouth. " You have no idea what happened the last time I was here." I said and we walked across the parking lot and into the building. As soon as the receptionist saw me she led us to the elevator and soon we were standing in front of Scott's meeting room. Right then all I wanted to do was run, run as fast and as far as possible but my mom decided to open the door before I got myself together. 

I saw Scooter standing across the room staring out the big window with his back turned to us, he wasn't alone and it scared the shit out of me. All my Purpose tour crew was here staring at me as I walked inside. They all were probably pissed at me, it was my fault they didn't have a job. This was all my fault and I was about to hear the truth I tried to avoid for a year.

I looked at my mom and she was already taking a seat next to Alfredo, the guy who once were my best friend till I went down the road. Scott turned around and looked at me, actually everybody looked at me and not in a good, loving way. He didn't say a word so I decided to speak. " Scott, I'm so so.." I started but was interrupted by his deep voice. " Don't, don't say a word. I'm the one talking today man." He said mentioning for me to take a seat. 

" I'm actually surprised that you came. How long it's been since you last saw these people Justin? A year? Do you even know what kind of shit you put me through? Not only me, all of us." He said looking across the room. I decided to stay quiet for once and let him talk. " I know that this is not an easy life you have to live, I know that..You from all the people in this room should know the best. You've been there before, but I can't save your ass every time you break up with someone. This has to stop. You have to suck it up and move on. I'm fucking tired of people asking me about what is going on with you, and you know why? I have no clue, I keep on making promises to your fans, I am trying my best to keep your head above the water but looks like you don't give a shit. So tell me Bieber, what am I suppose to do? Are you done with this? Is this the end of your career? Can you look at these people ant tell them that it's over? What do you want me to do? There is two options. You have to get your shit together or get the hell out of here because I am tired. If you don't want this, why should I try?" He's words stung in my heart and I was unable to speak. My life was crashing beneath my feet and I wasn't sure how to fix this. " I have one question for you Justin. Are you in or out? That's all I want to know!" He said now standing next to me and looking to my eyes. I took a deep breath and looked across the table to my mother, she was crying, my heart cracked and I felt my own eyes getting wet. 

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