Chapter 32: Sunset

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Chapter 32 - Sunset

I didn't expect it to end this way. Fear, bloodshed, death were a given, but not like this. Me running. A new heaviness in my heart. The tragic kind. The one you know is final. Hurts. Shocks you to your bones and you can't understand it. Even if you see it, your brain accepts and something should click—but it doesn't. So my tears flow. For my love, the one and only.

I run and I've never had to with such resolve. I've ran behind his long strides before. The kind that are decisive, strong and lead to safety. I've followed him wherever he has gone and forever will. That spine of steel streaked with scars and red still seeping out of his neck. That fiery hair that burns through my fingertips. But I run now and it's different. His steps are definitive. Away. From everything.

Nothing I can do but call his name again, again and again. I'm catching up. I'm almost there.

—•—•—• Before sunset •—•—•—

The Aston pivots, we're in it. We've arrived at the lab that is replete with black coats. Edward launches off the road. The windshield is pierced. The first shot. Black coats scramble away to hide from Azar's ambush. They're everywhere. A sea of black. The clouds above forming with the fire.

How will we get close? We'll die trying.

The car is peppered with bullets. Edward pushes his door open and crawls out. "Get out of the car!" He reaches for me. I crawl over the console and land on grass. My collar is pulled. We stay low and crawl to the end of the car.

"When I count to three, run to that wall," Edward shouts behind me. I attempt to move at three. My knees lock. He yells at me. I shake my head. He gives up counting and pushes. I have no choice. I'm launched forward and I'm moving. He's over the trunk shooting to cover me.

My side slams against the lab exterior wall. I breathe. But then him. And I watch him far, still kneeling. I shout his way. My voice dies out.

Everything seems to slow when I look around the wall and see them. The helicopters. Two. The forest bleeds camouflage jeeps and black SUVs.

The army is closed in. They scramble to keep cover before them and now their backs. They shoot every way.

Edward takes the chance and bounds to my side. I grab the lapels of his jacket. "Stay close, please!"

He doesn't hear me with all the chaos, he looks out. Muscles coiled, shoulders tense, the vein plump on his forehead. His firm grip on my arms, though he's motionless. Watching the view of hundreds of men charging and jumping out of vehicles to fight, to shoot, to kill. No orders or questions asked. Machines, switched to autopilot.

The helicopters descend far away where there are patches of greens. Men pour out like ants.

My hands are snatched off his jacket. Burned. Edward is off. Away from me. Running for men in black coats with backs unguarded. My stomach plummets and there he goes. Speeding legs towards his targets. They don't see him coming. No chance to hide from this beast unleashed.

He snaps a neck and snatches a rifle off another's. One jab in that one's throat with knuckles. The man chokes and falls. Not a beat in my heart pumps before he flips that rifle and shoots. Down they coats not too far away hidden behind a tattered wall made of rocks. Edward finishes off the rounds, taking with it two men turning at the groans of death behind them. They aim but never get to pull.

Azar runs over. His eyes like I've never seen them. Blood splattered over his cheek. Some on his front. It's not his. This is Azar. His true self. Not the gentle friend anymore.

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