Chapter 14: Free

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Chapter 14 - Free

I try to believe in many impossibilities in life. I've made a list. A mental list I add to everyday—when I remember or when I can't believe what's in front of me. Things I've never thought I'd do or go through. Things that happen to others and not me. Things out of a newspaper clippings or TV. I've seen the aftermath of crimes from the Red Ribbon killer but never saw them occur. I still think of him. Who he is. Where he is. If he continues to wreck havoc while I'm here, unable to search for his clues or discover what he left behind. I used to write about them in another life and shared it with people to add to their own lists of impossibilities. Impossibilities that have become real. And we marvel. We fear.

At this very moment, I try to believe in as many as six impossible things. Things I never thought i do or go through.One: Being kidnapped. Two: Flying in a helicopter...

The cacophony of propellers is deafening noise. The sun flickers as they move. I stare. Fingers that no longer quiver with fear or adrenaline. They raise against my forehead and I shield the brightness behind them. Propellers move and move... and I've never seen them so close before. Shoulders cave. I cower. Nothing scares me now. Nothing, but the metal moving wings.

The pull of his hand on my clothes is rough. I'm weak in comparison. My strides are leaps. He pulls me toward the moving wings and I probably deserve it. The proof is in the forming bruise in his abdomen from the bullet Ivory let free. But nothing can take it away. The feeling...

I'm free.

"And she smiles..." he says to no one. His tone incredulous. His laugh menacing. I ignore. I grunt from a push and fall into the helicopter pit. My arms shoot out to brace myself. He pushes me in further. I fold my legs in. He follows in behind me and sits before lifting me from under my arms. I'm thrown on the seat next to him. I slap and punch at his arms. We lift. I grab on to the sides of my seat from the jolt. He keeps a hand behind my neck, squeezing.

I'm transfixed. I watch from the window beside me as we ascend further and further up. The forest of trees grow smaller with the distance. It's beautiful and terrifying. I feel increasingly smaller than this world as we fly deeper into a blanket of green. The horizon is deep and never ending. The clouds in the distance thick and grey. I lean in further, his hand squeezes harder. It's no bother to me. The sun makes me warm.

He pulls me close and his words cut against my face. His lips by my ear. I can't pull away. "I'm not like him. I'll push you out of that door and see you fall. End it all." I watch the sky. I won't respond. His voice is vicious. He enjoys this. I wince, my lids squeeze shut. He pulls my head back by my hair. "You haven't an idea, do you? What will come?" he laughs.

The helicopter descends. Down, down and my stomach flips. Trees are soon surrounding us. Leaves pass by in blurs of green. I can see the ground. He leans and opens the heavy metal door. My breathing accelerates. A gush of wind rushes in. His grip tightens in my hair. I tense.

I'm at the edge of my seat and the wind pulls me. My hair whips all directions, over his arm and between us. My fists tighten on the seat. I fight now. Panic. I dig my nails on his one hand holding me inches from falling. He dangles me. My death beneath and I watch the ground swift by. His eyes find mine. They're blue and bright. Shadows of leaves and trees play across his face—his smirk. His lips part, "Darkness, Isabella. Only darkness comes."

And he lets go.

Impossibility number Two: Flying in a helicopter...and falling.

The wind is knocked out of me. I can't even scream. My arms and legs flail against the fast and cold wind. I shut my eyes tight. I fall forever. The ground comes finally, and leaves and branches and rocks—I roll down a hill. I can't stop. I grab onto anything. Anything. It only burns my palms.

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