Chapter 1

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Three months ago

It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining birds...were chirping...children playing outside. It seemed like a perfect day.

"Daddy daddy wake up!" A little blond boy shouted while jumping up and down an a bed.

"Wahh what...what is it?" A blonde man whined.

"Daddy you said that we would go to the park today!" The little boy said still jumping on the bed.

"....Where's your mother?" He asked his son.

"Down stairs making breakfast now get up." The little boy whined.

"Ok ok I'll...I'll be down stairs in a minute just let me get dressed ok Shina?" He said.

"Hmm ok daddy!" Shina said running out of the room. Naruto chuckled to himself about his son. He laid there for a minute and then got up and got dressed and did his personal hygiene for the day.

"Good morning Sakura chan...Shinachiku." He greeted them coming down the stairs.

"Good morning daddy!" Shina said. He was at the kitchen table drawing another picture of his pet slug they got him for his birthday.

"Good morning babe." Sakura said with a smile.

"And good morning to my beautiful baby twins." He said kissing Sakura's stomach. She was five months pregnant with twin baby girls.

Sakura giggled at the cute moment. "Ok everyone breakfast is ready." She said. She fixed the plates and served them to her husband and child then sat down herself and ate.

"So you two are going to the park today Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah daddy said we can go to the park today!" Shina shouted excitedly.

"Is that so..." She said.

"Yeah he's been asking me to go all week and since today is my off day I thought why not ya know?" He said.

"Ok well tell me how it goes and keep an eye out for strangers ok?" She said.

"We will mommy oh and here I'm done with my drawing." He said with a bright smile. She took the picture and looked at it.

"These drawings gets more beautiful then the last." She said. "This deserves to have a place on the art wall." She said. She grabs another magnate a puts it on the refrigerator. Shinachiku beams happiness as he looks at his picture proudly hanging on the refrigerator.

"Ok you two ready to go or what?" Sakura asked.

"Yes we are you ready Shina chan?" Naruto asked his son.

"Yes." He replied.

"Ok well lets get going hmm." He said. Naruto picked up his son and grabbed their bag of toys for outside beside the table.

"Bye Sakura chan we'll see you later." He said to his wife of ten years.

"Bye I love you both." Sakura said. She leaned in and have him a kiss lightly while he kissed back.

"Ewww yuck!" Shina said. Laughter erupted through the house for a moment.

"Love you too." Naruto said while heading to the door.

"Bye mommy!" The little boy shouted while waving.

Present time

A sigh escaped from Naruto's, lips. Those memories were gone. It just happened so fast and out of the blue. After that month he's been really busy with work and lonely. He barely has time to spend with his son let alone his wife. Sure him and Sakura try to make time bit its just too much. Its been so long he doesn't know when the last time they actually 'touched' each other.

"What has happened in the past three months...." He said. A phone ringing next to him brought him to reality again. He answered it immediately.

"Hello?" He said. You could tell there was bordness in his voice.

"Well you sound like a happy camper hmm?" A familiar sarcastic voice said though the the phone.

"Kakashi um w-what is it?" He asked while sitting up a mediately.

"Well there's been more people complaining about their water plus, there's the lights on the other side of town are still off." He explained. There was a terrible storm that came with a bit of a flood afterward a month ago and everybody was still recovering from it. Most of them have gotten their lights on but all of them have in clean water going through their pipes.

"I already know that I've gotten stacks and stacks of paper work on it." He said gesturing to the stacks of paper in front of him.

"Hahaha and you said being the mayor was an easy job." Kakashi said laughing through the phone. He was the mayor before him and every time he complained about the paper work Naruto would say he's just a pink and that this was the easiest job in the world. Oh how he regretted those words.

"Ha ha ha very funny I was very young ya know." He replied.

"Sixteen is not that young Naruto." Kakashi said.

"Tch whatever is there anything else you need to tell to make my stess level to go any higher?" Naruto said.

"No- oh well there is this one thing." He said.

"What is it now more complaints?" Naruto said. He slumped back in his rolling chair waiting for the answer.

"No its from you wife Sakura." This caught his attention. 'Maybe she did something to make time for them?' He thought.

"She said to make sure to buy milk and fruit while your on your way home." He said. Naruto mentally face palmed. 'It was too good to be true.' He thought.

"Yeah I will but why didn't she call me for that?" Naruto asked.

"Well actually I was checking up on her since your at work and she's eight months pregnant." Kakashi explained.

"Oh ok well tell her I'll do that." He said.

"Alright I'll talk to you later night." Kakashi said.

"Night." Naruto replied and hung up the phone. He really thought something different would happen but I guess not. He gets that she's eight months pregnant but seriously just nothing. He even beys she doesn't notice this feeling.

"Ugh." A grunt excaped his mouth. He looked to his computer with curious thought.

'Maybe I its too risky to try but...' His thought was interrupted by a knock at his door.

"Come in." Naruto said. A pineapple like hair popped through the door revealing Naruto's advisor Shikamaru.

"Naruto its time to go home come on." Shikamaru said.

"Yeah I'm...I'm coming." He replied. Shikamaru nodded his head and went out the room and went home. Naruto looked at his screen one more time before getting up to go to the store then go home.

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