Chapter 3

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For the past two months Naruto has been talking to Aimi. Throughout these past two months he's grown to not only love her like she's his wife but has grown an unhealthy obsession with her. They have only met once and it was them anyway. Buy since they live far apart he bought a portable computer that he could take home to talk to her. Instead of spending time with his eight month pregnant wife and kid, he's always on the computer sending her gifts, cards, and looking at her pictures. Basically having an affair.

'Heh you know you shouldn't do that Aimi.' Naruto wrote. It got so bad that hes been behind on all of the paperwork he has to do. Instead Shikamaru found himself doing most of it these days. He also has noticed that Naruto has been smiling and getting distracted by his computer.

'I know but that guy deserved a good yelling he thinks that he can just boss me around like I'm his maid or something.' Aimi replied.

'By the way babe I love the gift you sent me yesterday.' She said.

'I knew you would it was picked out just for you.' He replied back with a smile as bright as the sun.

'Well I got a surprise for you too.' She said.

'Oh?' He said.

'Yeah just wait a minute She said. A minute later Aimi sent three pictures to him in lingerie. He smiled and blushed hard at the sight of her.

'You look beautiful...better than what I've imagined...' He said.

'Heh is that suppose to be a good thing?' Aimi said.

'More than good babe.' He sent back. While typing he heard Shikamaru from down the hallway coming to talk to him.

'Shoot!' He thought.

'Aimi I got to go my advisor is coming I'll talk to you tonight I love you.' Naruto typed franticly. She quickly typed back a response.

'Ok I love you too.' She said. He quickly clicked off the website right when Shikamaru grabbed the door and faked like he was doing paperwork all this time.

"Naruto your finally doing your papers again huh?" He asked him.

"U-uh y-yeah I guess I am." Naruto said while studering.

"Well good it was troublesome to do all that work for I know how Sakura felt with Lady Tsunade.' Shikamaru said while whispering the last part.

"Well is there anything else?" Naruto asked his advisor.

" have an old friend here to see you." He said. He then opened the door completely to reveal...

"Sasuke....?" Naruto said almost in a whisper.

"I'll be...anywhere but here I'd you need something." Shikamaru said while shutting the door leaving them alone together.

There was silence in the room...

Naruto got up and stopped in front of Sasuke. They both stared back at each other with straight faces. Soon their faces faltered and formed a smile across their faces and hugged each other tightly.

"I'm glad you came back old friend." Naruto said.

"Glad to be back." Sasuke said. They let go of each other and talked about what happened in the past five years. At first Naruto wanted to talk about Sasuke's journey. He met his old team, Hebi, and actually has a daughter with Karin. He was surprised himself. They then talked about Naruto's son Shinachiku, how Sakura is having another baby, his time as Hokage, and...her. He thought that he would understand.

"What....?" Sasuke said in confusion and anger.

"Her name is Aimi Lee she lives in the Mist village but we talk all the time in the internet and-" He got cut off.

"End the relationship." Sasuke said immediately. Naruto was shocked at his words.

"W-wait what?" He said.

"I said end the relationship its not good." He said with all seriousness. While he was in his trip, Sasuke witnessed something similar happened to a man he briefly worked worked with to get something done and he watched first hand how it broke the man. He lost everything he loved. He died by the end of the mission.

I don't want you to lose your family over this...girl Naruto." Sasuke said.

"But you don't understand!" Naruto shouted at his best friend in anger.

"Then explain so I can understand you idiot." He said with anger in his voice.

"Aimi she's...she's actually there when I need her to be and she's beautiful and I can actually have a conversation with her without saying 'Naruto I need you to get this from the store' or 'When the baby gets here'....she fills in the voids that I have..." Naruto explained.

"She isn't good for you Naruto she's not gonna complete you!" Sasuke shouted at him.

"How do you know that huh?" Naruto asked him.

"....How long have you been doing this...Naruto." He asked calmly.

"For about two months..." He answered.

"Your gonna have to tell her." Sasuke suggested. Naruto couldn't believe what he heard just now.

"Are you crazy teme!" Naruto shouted again.

"Your the crazy one cheating on your wife in fact eight months pregnant wife I mean what are you gonna do when she finds out'll mostly lose your family over your stupid decision." Sasuke said coldly.

"No she will never know about this...this was only to be until the baby was born but... I think I fell in love with her." Naruto said.

"No your not your in love with her beauty." He said trying to reason with him. Naruto clenched his teeth and bawled up his fist.

"....Get out...." He said. Naruto was tired of this conversation. He thought Sasuke would understand this situation but apparently he was wrong.

"Fine I'll go." Sasuke said. He headed to the door but stopped immediately and half-heartedly looked back at him and said these words to him. "But if you truly love Sakura ,your wife, and Shinachiku, your child, then you would never so this to them." He said. And with that he walked out the room and left Naruto to think about what he just said.

As Sasuke was walking through the Hokage building a familiar voice came from the shadows.

"So that's what got him distracted and always on that computer huh." Shikamaru said. Sasuke looked to the left of him and eyed the pineapple shaped hair man.

"Yes." Sasuke said.

"How's gonna a tell her?" Shikamaru asked him.

"Let her find our herself before I came here I stopped by and talked with her." He explained. "She said that for the past two months he's been acting weird and is always on his computer rather than her and their son...she's a smart person...she'll find out soon." He said

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