Bonus Chapter!

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This is six years into the future. The baby is born and everybody is older. Enjoy!

Naruto sighed as he walked through the beautiful meadow. It was spring. Flowers were blooming, the sun was shinning, warm weather outside...everything was...beautiful.

"I can't believe it's been six years since it happened." He said aloud. Naruto remembers everything do clearly. Especially what happened after she manage to partially forgive him. After that he spent nearly a year on the couch before he could get back in bed. It was hard enough sleeping with his wife, holding her in his arms, but he also had to explain why he was sleeping on the couch to his five year old at the time. He didn't tell Jim the whole thing. He just told him that he did something to hurt mommy very badly.

'Heh I wonder how I'll tell him when he gets older.' He pondered. Naruto looked at his children playing with each other. His eleven year old son and six year old daughter were playing freeze tag and hide and go seek. They looked so happy together. He then looked towards his wife setting up the picnic table for us.

Naruto smiled lovingly at his wife. He remembers what it took to have her trust Jim again. It took him three years for her to trust her m again. She had said that for her to trust Jim again he would have give her 100 percent honesty and work hard to get her trust in him back. So for those first three years he's been bending over backwards for her to trust him again. For things to go back to normal. He also remembers how he got his kisses back. He also had to work three years in that too. They went from handshakes, which was brutal for him, hugs then kisses. It took a lot but he finally made it.

'I finally did it...and all this time to put into it...was worth it.' He thought and chuckled to himself. Naruto got interrupted from a hug or two from behind.

"Daddy Daddy!" Hanami shouted happily from behind.

"Hey Dad come play with us!" Shinachiku asked his father.

"Ummm-" Naruto pondered.

"Come on Daddy please." Hanami begged.

"Yeah come back n please!" Shina said.

"Hmm alright I'll play." He said and stood up.

"Ok...your it!" Shina said and tagged him and ran away along with his sister.

"Haha I'm gonna get you!" Naruto said and started chasing his adorable children around. Twelve minutes later Sakura called them all to the table to eat.

"Come on everybody it's time to eat!" Sakura called.

"I'll race ya nii chan." Hanami shouted and ran ahead to the table.

"Oh your in nee chan!" He said and ran after her. They both got there at the same time and sat down and sanitized their hands. Naruto followed and walked up go his wife and kissed her cheek. He sat down next to her.

"Well this looks good." Naruto said. There were sandwiches, bottled water, lays and Doritos chips, and fruit.

"Why thank you now lets eat." Sakura said. They digged into the good food. Throughout the meal laughs, smiles, and kisses were shared at the table.

"Ok we're finished momma!' Hanami said.

" yeah can we go and play?" Shinachiku asked.

"Yes after this picture." She said.

"Ok." They said. They got close to Naruto while Sakura set up the camera.

"Ok everybody ready?' She asked.

"We're ready." They all said in unison.

"Ok on three say cheese." Naruto said.



    Ignore that bed!       Pretend it's a     meadow! Use yor imagination!

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    Ignore that bed!
       Pretend it's a    
meadow! Use yor imagination!

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