6 - A Trance Never Hurt Anyone

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Chapter 6 - A Trance Never Hurt Anyone



The next morning I wake up in my room alone. The bed is cold on both sides of me, so I know that neither of the boys have been here. I sigh and get up. I knew they had to leave; especially Enki. I mean, he is fucking God. He has God stuff to do. But I guess I got used to their presence around me. Now that their energy isn't here, I feel off. I don't quite know how to describe it, but I just need to push through it. I have school today, I need to get going.

I quickly shower and head upstairs. I go into the kitchen to try to find something to eat, when all of a sudden I'm smacked in the back of the head, hard. I turn around and almost swear at the person who did it, but I see it's mother. She's standing there, glaring at me like her life depended on it. She's wearing her signature bathrobe, with house slippers. I notice some movement behind her and look. A man, just as disheveled as herself, is trying to slip out the door.

"Did you fucking cheat on dad?!" I cannot believe this! I knew mother was a mess, but I didn't think she'd go this far! I start to pull out my phone, ready to call dad, when she snatches it away from me and throws it on the ground. Then she stomps on it, smashing it into pieces.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Don't you fucking dare tell your father or so help me God I will rip your tongue out with my bare hands." I wouldn't put it past her. I don't say anything more, just glare at her. I push past her and make my way out the door.

Dad will have a hard time taking this. As much as he hates mom at some points, I know he still loves her. That's why he's still here. He thinks he can fix her; but that's the thing, he can't. Mother is too far gone, and she has been for a while. I don't even remember what set her off in the first place. All I know is that it was around the time I was 5.

They used to have so much love and compassion for each other. They would absolutely light up when the other would come home from work, or surprise one another with a cute little gift, or flowers. That love spread throughout the house, infecting me, and making everything better. Mom was never great to me, but it was better. She used to not hit me, at least. But you can't have everything in a family, right? I have a roof over my head, but no love for the ones who gave it to me.

I sigh and walk up the school steps. Maybe someday my hectic life would calm down.

"There you are! I was worried when you weren't here when Sat- I mean Enki - said you would be." I nearly jumped out of my skin when Dantalion magically appeared in front of me. I clutch my heart and grab his shoulder for support.

"Don't fucking just come out of no where like that! I about had a heart attack you idiot!" I say. I look around and notice a few people staring at us. I quickly right myself and pull him under my tree. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, duh, I was told to stay with you when Asmodeus or Satan weren't here."

"Keep your voice down! And use their other names!"

"Sorry sorry. Oh, that reminds me. I'm enrolled here under the name," he pulls out his schedule and squints hard, "Dante?"

"Okay, you idiot, I got it." The bell for the first block rings. "Come on, we don't need to be late."

The day passes without incident. Of course, there were still the people in every class and the hallway whispering about me. I don't even know why they care about me! I haven't even spoken to nearly all of the people in the school. Some of the things they were coming up with, though, were quite hilarious. So far I've heard that I enslaved the three boys to do my personal bidding; that, I quote, 'I'm their new bitch'; and that we're a part of a cult. Heh, I guess that last one isn't too far off.

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