17 - Troubled Waters

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Chapter 17 - Troubled Waters



I clutch the feather in my hand, trying to hold on to the softness of the strands, before letting go and watching the feather fly into the wind. I found the feather sitting on a fencepost while I was out walking this morning. I was just trying to get some fresh air, and have a moment or two for myself, when I heard the squawk of the raven above me. It perched on the boughs of the old oak, partly hanging over the fence I was walking along. This was always one of my favourite paths to take, because even though I live in a town, the owner of the fence owns four acres of land right on the cusp of the township.

The raven croaks again, drawing my attention to it. Looking up, I see the raven glide down to a lower branch, one only three feet above my head. It hops towards the edge of the branch, tilting its head each way as it gets closer and closer.

"Well, hello there, pretty birdie, what are you doing?" I ask, stretching out my hand. I know the bird won't hop on my hand, I'm not some Disney princess, but it's a natural instinct. To my surprise, the raven doesn't hop on my hand, but does hop to a lower branch, and lets its beak rest on my fingers.

I gently wiggle my fingers, ghosting over the glossiness of the ravens feathers. It croaks again, and then starts to peck at the ring on my finger. I twist my hand, and watch my ring shine in the sun, and the raven starts pecking at it more and more. I slide it off my pointer finger, none too attached, and let it rest in the palm of my hand. The raven looks at me, pecks the ring a few more times, before gently grasping onto it and flying away.

I smile as I watch it fly away, the epitome of being free. As it grows further and further away, I notice the feather as it comes to rest on the post. While it is truly beautiful, I felt in my heart that it was not mine to take, and just mine to admire. As I watch it float away in the wind, I feel a presence come up to me from behind.

As I'm turning around, already knowing who's behind me, I feel his arms wrap around me, one around my neck, and the other around my waist. His hand comes up over my mouth, while he traps my legs between his own. I start to struggle, but he tightens his grip on me, until it's too painful to move and I can barely take a breath in.

My vision starts to fade, and my body goes weak. When I'm seconds away from passing out, he releases his hold on me, and lets me fall to the ground.
"Roman... why?"


I come to, and notice right away that my hands are bound behind me, and my ankles are chained to the wall. I'm leaning on the wall, in a corner of a small white room with nothing but plastic wrap on the floor. I have no shirt on, but still have my pants and shoes on. I draw my energy close to me, and take a few deep breaths. I know I can't fully go into a trance here, because I have to remain painfully aware of my surroundings, but I have to try to connect to my thoughtform, or even make a new one, to get a direct message to Enki. The image of my beautiful serpent starts to come to me, faintly at first, but slowly starts to become more tangible as I feed it more of my energy.

I hear footsteps start to approach my room, and my heart rate quickens as I try to relay a message to my God.

"Enki. Help. Kidnapped. Roman." That's about as straightforward as I can get, since thoughtforms can't handle complex sentences, or directions more than five or six words. Just as the serpent's tail flashes out of view, the door opens.

Roman comes into view, and we make eye contact. "You really can't be this stupid, Roman. You know this will not end well for you."

He doesn't say anything, and just comes over to me to check the tightness of my bindings. I didn't even attempt to get out of them, knowing that I will be out of here soon enough. I keep trying to talk to him, to get him to see that this is a very dumb thing to do.

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