12 - Smile Because it Happened

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Chapter 12 - Smile Because it Happened



"I told you, I'm fine, honest! I will tell you if I start to feel weird or anything! Wait - no! Hey...! Put me down! I swear, it's like I'm dealing with overgrown five year old's!"

Enki seems to think that, despite my words, I am falling apart at the bones and cannot walk on my own. But, honestly, I can't say that I mind. Despite his hard muscles and lack of body fat, he radiates warmth and is very soft and cuddly, though I'd never tell him that in my life.

"You just did, sweetie."


Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me Kill me

"No matter how many times you repeat it I, nor anyone here with you, will kill you. Now, please, let go and get under the covers."

I pout and let go of Enki, falling on my bed and burying myself under the covers. No one shall see me until the day I di-

Modi's face pops up into my line of sight, under the covers might I add. "Hi!" I just sigh and continue my inner monologue.

No one shall see me until the day I die. Until that day, I shall lie under my blankies and not touch or speak to any-

"Comere', I want to snuggle." Modi mumbles into my neck, already pulling me back into his chest. I sigh and get comfy; wriggling around until I'm pressed firmly to his body. Okay, okay, maybe I lied. I love to cuddle a little too much, and these two just seem to soak up all the attention I love to give them. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

I feel his breath start to even out, and Enki is sitting at my desk, reading one of my books. I decided to take this time to try to put a block on my mind. I remember Enki telling me about it in passing, and how it keeps unwanted thoughts or energies from entering my mind. I wonder if it would work on them reading my mind, also...

I start to visualize my energies (positive, strong, protective) and make them form a wall around my mind and my body, it being brilliant white (the strongest colour). Like a dome around my brain. I make a mantra specific to what I'm trying to keep out, i.e pesky Gods, which makes the protection meditation that much stronger.

I'm so deep into my meditation that I don't realize that Enki has joined Modi and I on the bed until he wraps his arms around me and lays my head on his chest. I snuggle into his warmth and relish in the tingles and sparks I get when our skin touches, which is new. But I could definitely get used to that, too, it feels amazing!

"I love you." I say. I feel him tense around me, but I continue quickly before he could interrupt me. I don't know where this is coming from, but I feel like I have to say this now, and no later. "I do. I don't know whether it's because you saved me, you're the God of my religion, or if it's plain old love, but I feel it. And it's scary. I never believed in love. Maybe for others, but never for me. I never thought that I could feel so... at peace, happy, whole.

"I didn't know what to think, or what to expect, when I opened up that chest in the attic. But, I am so glad I did. Because, otherwise, I wouldn't have met you, or Modi, or Dante, or any of the others. I'm just so happy. And I'm not used to being happy. I've never been happy in my life, until now. It's so new, and wonderful, and I'm just so glad I get to experience it with you, and Modi. I don't know what I would do without either of you."

I look up at Enki, Satan, Lucifer; whatever you want to call him. We stare at each other, just soaking in my impromptu confession, before he leans down and kisses me, one of the sweetest, most wholesome, innocent kisses ever. I don't think I've ever felt as wonderful as I felt at this moment. I feel his emotions in this kiss, and in some way, I can understand him better.

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