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A/N: *~* .... Hi there ....

I'm really not sure why exactly I'm posting this story. Maybe it's cause an idea popped into my head, that might be awesome, and might not be.  Heh, that's for you (reader) to tell me!  No biggie right? EXACTLY.  The first few sentences are pretty boring, but continue reading! Trust me... ;P

This story contains both Romance and Humor.  People say I'm a funny person, but I'm not too sure if I can put my humor into words, you know what I mean? :L 

I've written a story already (Dew of the Sea) and it has over 1,000 views on it.  Maybe, just maybe, this one will go over that number! ;D??? I seriously want you too comment telling if you like it or not.  Even if they are mean comments, trust me, I can take it.  My heart might hurt awhile, but eh I'll cheer up somehow.

I hope there isn't a story like this, cause that would suck. :(  Tell me if you heard of something like it or not.  Meaning, something on Wattpad!  Name the title of the story and I'll check it out.  If it is similar allot, I'll take the story down.  If it isn't really similar, I might leave it up.  You never know. It's short, but it's the prologue.. Heh :d

Enough with my talking! Enjoy! Please comment.  Show some love or hate, either way you read it and I got a view :P



Ugh, I need to pee.

I thought as I crawled out of bed.  It’s around three in the morning, but a girl needs to go when she’s gotta go. Wrapping my blanket around me, I place my feet on the ground, but soon regretted it.  The wood flooring felt like ice on my feet. Biting down on my lip, I try not to scream. Pulling my legs up, I surrounded my feet with blankets.  I hate winter in Maine, freezing my butt off every second of the day! Bracing myself for the freezing floor, I begin to let my feet fall. Before they touched it, I hear something.  Looking around my room, I notice nothing.  I’m just hearing things like always.  Placing one foot on the floor, I hear it again.  Did I leave a window open? If so my mother is going to kill me!

“Why does this floor have to be so freaking cold?!” I grumbled to myself.

With both feet on the ground, I begin to tip-toe to my door.  Of course I’m not going to stay inside my room.  You haven’t seen my mother when she’s mad.  She may look kind from a distance, but her eyes can kill.  Just look at my father, she had him whipped in hours after they meet.  He was doing anything and everything she asked.  I always enjoy listening to my mother tell her pass to me.

Hearing the noise sound again, I turn my door knob. Not trying to wake my father’s old dog, I shut the door quietly. My parents aren’t home for the week, due to a business trip, so I’m home alone. Again.

 The hallway is filled with darkness as I continue to the stairs.  The noise became louder, and I exactly knew what it was.  Footsteps, loud man footsteps.  Fear struck my heart as I notice I’m on the last stair. I’m out in the open while someone is in my house! I even bet he could smell the fear coming off me.  Biting down on my lip, I look around the room. No sign of him in the kitchen or the dining room. Phew. I need a plan, a good one. There is cover under the dining room table; he won’t find me there, but aren’t any weapons.  In the kitchen there are plenty of weapons, like knives, pans, hot water, and etc. Be safe under the table while he takes stuff or risk my life attacking him?

The footsteps started to get louder.  No time to think anymore!  Getting on my hands and knees I begin to crawl to the kitchen. Sliding in front of the oven, I open up the bottom drawer carefully. Grabbing the first thing that touched my hand, I stood up.  Going out the other way I came in, I came to face with the robber’s back.  From the look of his back he didn’t look to old, maybe in his twenties or younger.  Why in the world is he robbing my house?!  Stalking his footsteps, I raise my frying pan.  Without waiting, I hit his head as hard as I can.  For a second he didn’t fall, so I hit him again. Falling flat on his face, I smiled.  Mission accomplished. Stepping over his body, I see his face smudged on the floor.

"Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark!" I said, laughing to myself.


Ending notes:

Heh, There it is! There are mistakes, I know, but I am too lazy to fix them.  Plus I have Spanish homework too do... lol.  I hope you enjoy.  There might be sentences that don't make sense at all, but I will fix them tomorrow! I promise, cross my heart.

Btw; the title isn't a keeper unless people like it.  If you think of a better one, I'd love too hear it! :)

Don't forget to comment and tell me what you think! 


To you, From Tatertots ;D

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