Chapter 4.

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A/N: I WILL NEVER SAY NEVER! *dances like JB* Pick it up, pick it up…pick-pick-pick it up… O_O…

Grr, What’s happening to me?!

Eh, anyways; y’all guys commented like CRAZY CHICKS ON BLACK FRIDAY on chapter 3! You guys made me cry happy tears :’) Thanks so much!

Most of you guys voted for Cam Gigandet to stay playing Drew. So it’s staying as it is.  Hope you continuing reading even if you disagree!

2,000 VIEWS!! I’ve reached it.  THANKS so much you guys <333. :)

Justin Bieber: Whenever you knock me down, I will not stay on the ground.

Me: Pick it up, pick it up! Pick it up, up up up, up!

Jaden Smith: He’s bigger than me, He’s taller than me.

Me: O.O. You’re so cute! *pinches cheeks*

I need to hush, and let you read.

*Dances away listening to Justin Bieber* Never say never!



Chapter 4

Previously on My Thief in the Night…

He nodded while looking straight into my green eyes. Heat reached my cheeks as he smirked with lust at me. Not wanting him see my cheeks, I look down to turn the knob, and make the water stop.

Clearing his throat, Philip placed his hand over mines "Come with me?"

My common sense screamed no in every possible way, but my heart was louder. This was the kind of moment when you'd have those two angels on your shoulders. The one in white would be preaching to me, and the one in red would be whispering, telling me to go.

Do I reject him, or dare to go with him?


    My eyes kept going back and forth to his face than to his hand, which happen to be on mine. We've been standing like this for five minutes. He keeps sending me weak smiles as if I'm damaging his ego by not answering. Would you answer yes right away? Wait, don't answer that.

   Water dripped from the tip of his nose but, some missed and fell onto his lips. Taking his free hand, he slowly and gently ran it through his wet hair making him really irresistible.  I believe that running his hand through his hair can indicated he is nervous.  But, I can be wrong.  If I’m right than I must really be damaging his ego. Ha, bonus.

"So?" He said, what sounded like a whisper.

I parted my lips letting a little air in and then closed them.  I should tease him…

"No." I answered, with my best poker face.

His smirk turned into a frown and his eyes dropped. He kind of looked like a sad lost puppy. Yup, it's confirmed, I'm hurting his ego.

"Why not?" He asked, taking my other hand with his.

Now this made me weaker. His hands twisted with mine sent mini sparks through my arms. I felt myself wanting to change my answer to yes. I mean, why not? What's the worst that can happen? Never mind, again, don't answer that.

"Because, you’re wet which means we'll have to go to your apartment."

"Your point?"

"My point is I don't want to get pregnant."

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