Chapter 2.

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 A/N: ^_^ Your a cutie. *giggles*

Como esta usted??? 

 Muy Bien or Mal? (Some Spanish words for ya! I’m getting good at this shiizz) Anyways, enough with the Spanish.  Here’s chapter two for y’all, I hope you enjoyed chapter one.  Hehh. :D  Btw, I'm not good at spanish! So if I misspelled some of the spanish words. SORRY xD

Picture of Philip played by Hayden Christensen! What a little hotty ;P



Loooove me!!! ;D

Por favor! <3


Chapter 2

Drew’s POV

~One day before~

Walking down the sidewalk, I glaze at the house.  It’s made of a mixture of brown and clay looking stones.  The front door is two, both dark wood with windows in them.  There is a bay window right before you find the front door.  A perfect place to sit and read.  Little pebbles surround the walkway to the front door, beautiful I think.  With the house I’ve robbed I’ve memorized the different kinds of homes.  If you are doing this for fifteen years, you are bond to know them.

I’ve learn it’s a small family living within the house.  A father, mother, and daughter.  The daughter is around my age, but younger.  She is in the school just twenty minutes away, because I’ve seen her in the soccer outfit.

It sounds like I’m stalking her, but I’m not.  I’m more like stalking her house.  You see, I’m a robber, but not those lame ones. The ones that pick out a random house to rob, they aren’t very smart.  I actually study the houses I’m robbing and learn the owner’s routine.  This home has a pretty easy routine.  The father leaves first, then the mother and the daughter gets a ride to school. Normally I wouldn’t rob fancy homes, like this one. But I’m running low on some cash, and other reason too.

Tomorrow night is the night.  I’ll hack the alarm at exactly 2:30, and enter the home around 2:35.  From then on, I’ll be searching the house. 

Making me stop in the middle of the sidewalk, my phone buzzed

“Yo, whats up?” I asked, answering my phone.

“Need any help with the hit tonight?” My friend, Philip asked.

Philip and I have been friends and partners for years.  We met each other on a job years ago.  The job was to rob a company that took money away from families.  You see, I don’t only take from people because I want to.  But also because I feel I need too.  To help people in need.  Of course it always doesn’t come off like that, but that’s my main mission. 

“No thanks buddy” I said rubbing my forehead, “but you can be my back up. Come check on me, the family shouldn’t be there Saturday.”

“Okay! Sounds like a plan.” He responded, yelling in the mouth of the phone.

I don't need his help.  I'm a one man army! I do not need anyones help.

~Present day~

God, I need help!

Hearing a squeaky door, I whip my head to the back door.  Crap.  I hope she didn’t call the police.  Who knows what the girl is doing upstairs.  She can be blogging about me for who all knows.  She seems like the type of girl to blog or maybe that facebooking junk.  I don’t facebook, because that’s just too easy for the police.  I like giving them a chase, it’s enjoyable. I love watching them go around in circles, trying to find a lead, but I don’t leave anything behind.  Nothing whatsoever.

My Thief In The Night.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن