BTS reaction when...

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When you faint due to low blood pressure as you played sports yesterday and did not eat dinner.

Jin: He will be panicking and pacing around before calming down and call the ambulance. While waiting, he will pick you bridal style and lay you on the sofa, mumbling some prayers, hope that nothing will happen to you.

Suga: He would let out a string of curse when he saw you collapsing right in front of him. He will quicly take his phone and dail for ambulance and quickly pick you up and hug you tightly.

Rapmon: He will stop whatever his doing and check on you when his heard a loud thud and rush towards you. He broke into uncontrollable sweats and pacing around before hugging you while calling for the ambulance.

Jhope: He will at first thought that you were joking with hime but after numerous time of calling, he began to sob and muttering some prayers, hoping that you'll be fine and then call for the 119.

Jimin: He was in his bed,laxing around when he heard a loud thud and the crashing of glasses. "Jagiya? Jagi? " When he heard no replyhe quickly dashed.out of the room before screaming when he saw you on the floor, unconscious. He will pace around, before thinking that he should call the ambulance.

V: He would probably go near you,shaking your body lighty and thinks that you are just playing with him."Jagi? Wake up?" He would slightly panick when you didn't respond. He will run around the house before calming down and pick you up bridal style and put you on the bed.

Jungkook: He would not freak out that much like hobi cause you know... he is the golden maknae. He will pick you up, placing you on the sofa before checking with Jin, what actually needed to be done.

A/n happy valentines day! I will publish a valentines day special soon!!!

Signing out: 긴

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