Chapter 17 Truth or Dare

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Tori's P.O.V.
While Daniel, Mark and Chelsea were out of the room, Sean called me over and I sat on his lap. "You know, you look really sexy when you're worried. When you're this close as well." He said in a deeper, softer voice than his normal voice. I giggled and blushed at Sean's compliment. Sean licked his lips and softly purred in my ear. I trailed my lips over his neck and he softly moaned in my ear. I chuckled as I knew how aroused he was getting. I decided to get up and grab my drink. Before I was able to properly stand up an get a drink, Sean had growled deeply and grabbed my arm. "Sean, I'm grabbing a drink." "You can later." "No Sean, I haven't had a drink for hours. YOU can wait." He pouted, crossed his arms and said "Fine." Just as I walked over into the kitchen, Mark came out and said "Dinner's ready." "Yum, what's for dinner?" "Chicken kievs and mashed potato." "Sounds really good." I heard Mark walk over and knock on the room door that Daniel and Chelsea were in. "Hey dinner's ready if you want it guys." Mark walked over and walked I to the dining room. "Sean come on, let's go have dinner." He stood up and wrapped his arm around my waist. He dipped me and kissed me gently. He trailed his lips over my neck, making me giggle because he was tickiling me. "Sean come on!" "I'm all done now. You can calm down now." I heard a door open and Daniel and Chelsea walked out of the room. Daniel had his arm wrapped around Chelsea's waist and was holding her close. I smiled warmly and sympathetically at them. Chelsea smiled warmly back at me and Daniel gave me a small smile. We all went into the dining room and sat down. Dinner was served. After dinner Mark had a great idea. "Hey guys, we should play Truth or Dare." "That would be awesome!" Chelsea and I screamed at the same time. We all packed up and sat down. Mark at the front, Sean and me opposite Chelsea and Daniel.
Chelsea's P.O.V.
I couldn't wait to play truth or dare. It would be so much fun. "Ok, who's going first?" "I can." Mark said. "Ok. Chelsea. Truth or Dare." "Ummm... Truth." "Ok. What's your favourite subject at school?" Before I could get my answer in Sean spoke up and said: "Come on, Mark! You could ask better questions than that!" "Just let her answer, Sean." "Ok, well, probably English. I love reading books." "Cool. You go." "Ok. Sean. Truth or Dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to....kiss Tori for...60 seconds." I giggled at the prospect of seeing them kiss. "Alright then." "Ready..set..go!" Sean grabbed Tori's chin and their lips connected. I watched them avidly, and saw Tori push her tongue into Sean's mouth. "15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1! Yay Tori!" I laughed at them as they continued to kiss until Tori pulled away and faced us again. "Ok Sean. You're turn." "Alright. Daniel. Truth or Dare." "Hmmm...Dare." "Ok, what shall it be? I know... I dare you to... give someone a massage." "Who?" "How about, Chelsea?" I laughed at his sly grin. "Ok here goes nothing." Daniel turned me around and started to rub my shoulders. He moved his hands in slow, soft circles. His fingers trailed over my neck, over my sweet spot. I moved my neck towards his fingers and closed my eyes. His fingers trailed further and further up my neck, eventually reaching my hair. " Ok, I think that should suffice." I laughed with Tori as Daniel and Sean both smirked. Mark rolled his eyes and said "Ok, Daniel.
It's your turn." "Mark. Truth or Dare." "Truth." "Ok, what's the weirdest encounter you had at high school?" "Umm.. probably when I had a girl come up to me and start flirting really badly with me. All my friends were laughing and I was trying so hard to get out of their but I didn't want to be rude." Everyone laughed at Mark's story then he had his turn. "Umm, Tori. Truth or Dare." "Hmmm... Dare." "I dare you to tell everyone the story of when you met Sean and how long you liked him for." "Wait, before Tori goes, I have one question. Tori, you had a crush on me!?" "Sean, is that even meant to be a serious question? Of course I had a crush on you. You are beautiful." Tori leant over and kissed him. "Ok. I have an idea. How about we play Prop hunt? I've been dying to play since I arrived." Yea sure we can play." "I have my laptop, and so does Chelsea." Daniel said. Sean said he had brought his and Tori had hers. We walked into Mark's recording room and set our computers an everything else up. "So, who's on the hunting team?"
This chapter took forever. Tori wasn't helpful looking over my shoulder... Tori......

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