Author's note Long Overdue

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Hey guys, I know I probably should've done this earlier, and i'm sorry about that. I just checked how many reads the story has, and i'm amazed. 1.51k?!? My brain is failing to come to terms that 1,551[is that right? idk] people (beautiful and lovely in every way, might I add) wanted to read my story, and enjoyed it!! Thank you all so so much for this! It's very flattering to see that so many people are reading something that popped into my head as a daydream on a road trip. I am so proud of what this story has achieved, and what you've helped me achieve, because without you guys, I wouldn't be anywhere. I wouldn't be here right now, talking about how 1.51k people read my story. So once again, thank you all so much, and I hope you enjoyed the story, and if you liked this story, thank you. I can't say those two words enough  to express my gratitude. Stay street guys. See ya :)

Hoping against Hope (MarkiplierxReader)Where stories live. Discover now