Chapter 30 Another special surprise

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Please go read my previous chapter, I improved it a little bit.
My heart was pounding. My palms sweaty. My hands were shaking so much. "Daniel, it's ready." He rushed in and sat me on his lap. "You ready?" "Always." I slid the cover off and stared at the little window. I saw two faint, black lines in the window. "Daniel... Daniel, it's really true. I'm..I'm...I'm pregnant." I squealed as Daniel lifted me up and hugged me to him. I dropped the pregnancy test and hugged Daniel back with all my might. "I love you, Chelsea. You'll be the best mum ever." "I love you too, Daniel. You'll be the best dad ever." "But don't get your hopes up too high, Daniel. It might not work out. I'm only 6 weeks." "True. When can we tell everyone?" "12 weeks is a good time. That means it's definite." "I can't wait."
~time skip to her 12 week mark~
"Daniel, I'm home." Daniel came crashing in from the other room and grabbed me in a huge bear hug. So, how'd it go?" "It went well." "Come on. Seriously? Explain. I need details." "Alright fine. I'm at my 12 week mark and the baby is healthy, happy and fine." "So it did work out?" "Yes Daniel. It did work out." Daniel grabbed me again and hugged me harder. I knew in that instant, I was home.
This chapter is short on purpose. I hope you like it? Is the idea of Chelsea creating a family with Daniel cool? Tell me in the comments. One more chapter to go.

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