Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I unsheath the gold dagger and examine it. I run my tongue over the blade, yep, real gold. I take a peek at my watch, my journal pages need about 3 more hours to dry, then I can bound the pages together into a new book. All of a sudden, my phone starts ringing.


"Hi Shay. Do you want to go to the movies or something?" Janyia is on the other end.

"I can't. I have to wait for my journal pages to dry."

"Girl, you and that stupid journal! for once!"

"I live inside my journal! Now are you going to shut up for two seconds so I can tell you what happened today?"

I hear her sigh. "What happened?"

"Okay, might not believe this but a girl that looked exactly like me today came tumbling into the bathroom when I was in there." I start off.

"You're right, I don't believe you, you're crazy!"

"No, I'm serious! She had a dagger sticking out of her side, she died right in front of me, I swear!"

"Shay, you really need to do more things beside writing in that stupid journal of yours. I'm picking you up to go ice skating."

"I have proof. The-the dagger! I have the dagger."

She pauses. "Then show me, when I come to pick you up I want to see the dagger with my own eyes." When she says the word dagger I can picture her rolling her eyes.

"Fine, I'll be ready in 8."

"Make it five, I already started walking."

I end the phone call and rummage through my closet for my ice skates. Once I find them, I put on a black pea coat and slip the dagger in the pocket of it, making sure to grab my skates. Just as I open the door Janyia is standing on the other side of it.

"Hey bestie, it's been forever since I've seen you without your nose in your journal."

"Girl, you know I just agreed because I wanted food, right?"

"I don't even care, I barely get to even talk to you anymore. I'll take what I can get."

I nod.

Once we arrive to the skating rink I remember the golden dagger. I pull her back by her arm.

"What?" She asks.

I grin and pull out the sheathed dagger. Her eyes widen as soon as she sees it, running over the beautiful weapon. "Oh my gosh!"

"I know, right? The girl also gave me a necklace, but I left that garbage in the stall."

"Shay!" She looks at me horrified.

"What?" I ask confused.

"If you're telling the truth that means a random girl died...and you didn't even tell the police."

"When I looked back her body was...gone. I don't know what happened!"

She reaches for the dagger and I step back, shocked at her sudden movement. "Shay, that's a dangerous weapon. I think you need to hand it over to someone who can take better care of it."

Chills run down my spine, and I'm sure it's not because of the crisp night air. "What do you mean by 'someone who can take better care of it'?"

"Give me the dagger Shay." Her voice turns deep. A mix between a growling tiger and Darth Vader. Whoever this person is in front of me, I know for sure it's not my best friend.

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