Chapter 3

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- Samantha's POV -

My first impression of Emmalina was that she was shy and kept to herself; but I was very wrong. When Callum was around she said hardly anything, on when Callum asked her a question. However, eventually Callum had to stop showing me around and go do his shift at the armory. So that left Emmalina and me alone. I thought it was going to be a very long and awkwardly quiet afternoon; but as soon as Callum left Emmalina piped up, smiled inquisitively, and immediately asked, "So, what do you do for fun?"

It caught me by surprise so all I could say was, "What?"

"What do you do for fun? You know, like a hobby?"

"Oh um, I like to write." I said blandly. It was true, but when I said it out loud it sounded terribly dull, like a dried out piece of bread.

"Really? That's awesome."

It was definitely not what I thought she was going to say and she sounded so enthusiastic that I didn't think it sounded dull anymore.

"Do you write often?"

"Well, paper is sort of expensive so I just write on the opposite side of my school book pages. But I can only do it once the teacher has already read our assignments. That way she won't see that I've been wasting valuable paper on some kids imagination. So yeah, I don't get to write as much as I'd like to."

"Oh. What do you like to write about?"

"Um, I like fantasy and sometimes I'll do journal type stories. What do you like to do?" As soon as I asked her I knew it was not the right thing to do.

 All of a sudden she looked less perky and said, "I don't really have a hobby. There's not much I'm allowed to do without somebody watching me."

I felt sorry for her and I wanted to ask why, but I could see that it wasn't a topic she liked to talk about, so I dropped the matter. I decided to ask Callum later.

"Do you do a lot of work around here?"

She lightened up a bit at the change of subject.

"I help in the kitchen and the stables, but sometime I'll help the maids tidy up. I just sort of help where help is needed. It's pretty much how I pay for my room here. Almost all the wards do it. It's also how I keep my mind off..." She stopped in midsentence.

"Your mind off...What?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing important."

I knew she was lying, but I knew she wasn't going to tell me. So I just let it alone.

By the time we had answered each others constant question we came to a large oak door in a long corridor. The wall was lined with similar door, but each one had a number on it so you could tell which room was which. Emmalina opened the door and beckoned for me to follow her. I walked into the room and caught my breath as I saw a large room filled with everything a girl could want. AT one end of the room there were two bookshelves reaching all the way to the ceiling and a ladder on wheels so you could get to the ones at the top. There was a round oak table by the bookshelves equipped with two chairs, a candle, and an hour glass. On the other side of the room, parallel to the bookshelves, was a small brick fireplace with two comfy rocking chairs and a coffee table. There was an old oak desk right bellow a window looking over the pretty little town, with a sturdy wooden chair, a feather quill, a bottle of black ink, and a stack of white paper. There were several drawers for schoolbooks and a little wooden box with wax and a seal in it. Next to it there was a large wooden bed with calico patchwork quilts and at least five pillows. 

I looked around, mesmerized by the beauty and elegance of the room. Then my eyes landed on my suitcases in front of the bed.

"What are my things doing in here?" I asked Emmalina.    

"This is your room."

My jaw dropped and I could barely believe my ears. This was to be my room? I didn't know what to say. Back at the old orphanage all the girls had to share and room. Nothing as grand as this.

"Come on, let's get you unpacked."

I didn't have many things so it took a minute before we got it all arranged so that it didn't make the room look empty. I had two changes of clothes and two sets of pajamas. I had one dress for the week and one dress for Sunday. The closet was behind a door that led to Emmalina's room. The closet was in the middle so we shared it. Emmalina handed me a long navy blue dress with a gold olive branch on the left shoulder.

"This is your uniform," She explained.

"You only have to wear it during school hours. Why don't you try it on?"

Emmalina left the room while I tried it on. It was very simple and pretty. It was a bit long for me but it was a simple matter to hem it.

"Emmalina..." I began, but she cut me off.

"Just call me Emma...Or Lina. Emmalina just sounds to formal for my taste."

"Alright, Emma, did you ever know your parents?"

"I knew my mother. But she died when I was twelve. It's been five years now. I can't believe how fast time fly's."

"What about your dad?" I asked her.

"I don't remember him. He left on a crusade when I was three and never came back."

"Well, crusades have been known to stretch over a long period of time. You never know, he could come back at any time."

But she shrugged her shoulders and then said, "Hey look!"

She pointed outside the window at the sun.

"It's two o'clock."


"Can you ride?" She asked me.

"Well...Um...Yes I can, but..."

"Good." She cut me off.

She seemed very excited.

"Do you think you could ride side saddle?"

"That's how I was taught." I answered.

"Alright. I'll be back in a minute. Don't go anywhere."

She ran to her room, going through the closet door and came back five minutes later. She had changed from her green dress into a pair of light brown pants, a pair of soft leather boots. She had taken her hair out and it shown in the afternoon sun.

"Alright, let's go." She said excitedly.

We ran outside to the stables and I was surprised to see Callum standing right in front, holding the reins of three horses. One of them was a gray dappled French Trotter. Then there was a big black Friesian as well and a beautiful black and white Paint horse.

"I thought you'd never get here." Callum said.

"I lost track of time." Emma answered.

"Here," She told me, handing me the reins of the Paint.

"This is your horse. No one else could use it because the only saddle that fit it was a side saddle."

"Oh..." Was all I could say.

Callum mounted the Friesian and Emma mounted the French Trotter. I had heard that a French Trotter could almost trot as fast as a Thoroughbred could run.

I saw Emma place her ferret in her sad bag and I had to say, I still wasn't quite use to the little rodent.

"Alright, let's go." Callum said.

-Alright, here it is everyone. The next chapter. Sorry it took so long for me to post. I could never get enough time on the computer to type it in. Hope you like it and if you did don't forget to vote :D Thanks- Anna

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