Chapter 16

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- Samantha's POV -

"That can't be. She's a little girl." Robin said, slightly in shock.

"Not anymore, Sir." Callum said.

"You missed fourteen years of your own daughters life."

He didn't answer. I looked at them, feeling the tension in the air.

"Do you think I did it on purpose?"

Uh oh, I thought.

"Do you think I didn't want to see her grow up?"

"Why did you leave then?" Callum asked, getting angrier by the minute.

"I didn't have a choice. It was a crusade. I had to."


"Because your king ordered it, that's why."

"Guys, stop!" I said, but they didn't listen.

"Do you know anything about her? Anything at all?" Callum asked.

"What does that ha-"

"It has everything to do with it! It shows how much you know her. What's her favorite color, hmm? What does she like to do on Saturday mornings? Does she avoid large crowds or not? Hmmm...You don't know anything about her."

I heard something move. It sounded sort of like a horses hooves...Several horses.


"It's not my fault I don't know. If I could've stayed, I would have."

"You wou-"

"GUYS!" I yelled.

I may be small, but when I wanted to be heard, I was.

"WHAT!" They yelled back at the same time.

"We have company."

Suddenly, at least a dozen horses came crashing through the trees and surrounded us. On top of each of them there was soldier...A soldier from the last place I wanted to be.

"You really thought you'd get away from me?" Came the voice of the man in furs.

He broke through the ring of horses around us and stopped maybe two feet away from us. He looked down his ugly face at us and I just wanted to spit in his eye. But I didn't. I was too dignified for that...And there were over a dozen spears pointed at us. They looked rather sharp to me and I don't think I'd like it very much if one was to impale me. 

"Well, I thought I'd give it a try." Robin shrugged.

"Fool. Now your death will be even more slow."

Then he looked at us.

"You...You were with that brat who's going to be executed, weren't you?"

"Well-" I started.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. Executed?" Callum said, coming a little forward.

"Mmm, yes. She'll be burned at the stake."

None of us answered. I was looking at him with cold eyes but then caught a glimpse of movement from the trees. I saw another movement from the other side of us and then in front of us. Who was in there? Suddenly, an arrow sped through the air and knocked one of the soldiers off his horse. Yells and shouts filled the air and out of the trees came at least forty men dressed in green and brown. They carried bows and arrows, swords and knifes, and anything else that would suffice as a weapon. One of them threw a knife toward Robin and he caught the handle of it, just in time to thrust it into the stomach of a soldier. Callum and I were also handed knifes and Callum reacted immediately. I, on the other hand, had no idea what to do with it. I had never used one before. Suddenly, just like what happened at the castle, the blade of my knife found it's way into the chest of my opponent.    

The  enemy were quickly slain and again, just like at the castle, I felt guilty and sick. Then my thoughts were turned to the matter at hand. Who were these men? They had come out of nowhere and were, apparently, on our side. I was just about to ask who they were when Robin came up to Callum and me, a tall man with dark brown hair behind him.

"Callum, Samantha, this is Jonas, one of my Marry Men."

- Okay guys, I know, really short chapter, but this seemed like a good ending. Hope you liked it and if you did don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks  :D - Anna

After Robin Book 1: The Burning TestimonyWhere stories live. Discover now