Chapter 11

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- Emmalina's POV -

We crept into the corridor and it was absolutely empty, but I was sure that behind the door at the end of the hallway there were several guards. I slipped the piece of wire into my pocket and I felt something cold on my fingers. I pulled it out and saw the shining silver necklace with the cross on it. The one that Ma gave to me. I had taken it off and put it in my pocket when the fighting started. I didn't want to loose it. I looked at the shimmering metal and suddenly felt comforted. I felt as though everything was going to be fine and that we would be safe. I smiled for the first time in I don't know how long and I thought how strange it was, that I'd smile under circumstances like these.

"Is something wrong, Em?" Callum asked.

I quickly snapped my head up, putting the necklace back in my pocket.

"No. Nothing's wrong. Just peaches. Why would you ask? Come on we don't have all day." I rapidly put him out before he could say anything more.

I walked quickly toward Samantha who was already almost at the door and Callum followed not far behind. Samantha had stopped at the door and just stared at the heavy oak.

"What do we do now?" Samantha asked, sort of sighing.

It was practically impossible to tell what was behind the door. I looked around us and all I could see were cells. This was  the only way out and we had no choice but to go for it. I took a deep breath, stepped forward, and reached out for the handle.

"STOP!!!" Callum shouted, dragging both Samantha and me away from the door.

"What is it?" Samantha and me asked in unison.

"Where is the wire you had?" He asked.

Confused I handed him the wire and he walked back to the door, looping it around both the handle and the latch of the door. 

"Get back." He told us.

We didn't hesitate to listen.

He stepped as far back as the wire would let him, made a face that said, 'here goes nothin', took a deep breath, and pulled. The wire pressed the latch on the door down and the door swung open. Just as it was far enough to see into the hall a huge double bladed ax swung through the doorway, missing Callum by centimeters. It stopped swinging after a while and Callum let out a huge sigh, leaning against the wall and running his fingers through his sandy hair. Samantha and me stared wide eyed for a moment before we realized what just happened.

"Oh my goodness!" Samantha said at the same time as I said, "Holy cow!"

"How did you know that was going to happen?" Samantha asked Callum.

"Well Sam," She frowned at the nickname. "Instinct I suppose. Just as Em was reaching for the handle I remembered something I had learned a long time ago. Never think a situation is safe before it's over. And when I thought about it I saw a tiny piece of wire sticking through the keyhole and what else would that be used for."

As he said that I mentally face palmed myself. How could I be such an idiot, I thought. I should really work on being more careful.

"Well, time to go." I said, walking through the doorway, a little more carefully this time.

We walked out into a larger room with wheel burrows, shovels, picks, piles of rock and dirt, burlap sacks, etc. There was nobody around. It was perfectly safe. But that's what made me think. Why on earth would they leave these halls empty with no guards what so ever. You think they'd be smart enough to take at least some precautions, besides an ax behind a door.

"I don't like it." Callum voiced my thoughts.

"Just what I was thinking." Samantha said.

"So we're all on the same track." I joined in.

"What do we do?"

Callum looked around for a minute then his eyes lit up on the pile of shovels and picks.

"Well, first of all. We won't get very far with just our bear hands against swords and arrows. These picks and such what might come in handy."

I picked one of the picks up and tested it's wait and balance, spinning it around a little, pretending to fight an imaginary opponent.

"Not much worse then the practice swords at the castle, am I right?" I asked Callum.

"I couldn't agree more." Callum answered, spinning his experimentally as well.

I looked at him for a moment. I didn't know what was happening to me, but he didn't seem like plain old Callum anymore. He was a nineteen year old boy with sandy hair and blue eyes, spinning a pick through the air. That much was the same. But he was...Different. Some how. My heart started thumping ten times faster and my palms started to sweat. What was wrong with me? Was I sick? I didn't feel...Bad. Just weird. I had never realized before how good looking Callum was. I always just thought of him as, Callum. I'd never felt like this before. I saw Callum stop swinging his pick and stare at me with an alarmed look. He was saying something but I was daydreaming to much to hear him. He started to run toward me, dropping the pick. Suddenly, heavy metal crossed bars dropped around me like a cage and a bolt of pain shot through me like lightning through a metal pole. I let out a scream and crashed to the ground, everything turning orange and blurry before fading to black.

     -Alright, I just want to start off by thanking everyone who answered the questions on the last chapter. Thanks a bunch XD. Can you believe this, everybody so far said Emmalina was their favorite character! THAT'S INSANE! I'm so glad you guys like her and I'm very excited to write down your descriptions of her in my notebook. Now, almost all of you said that you didn't mind the length of the chapters so I'm going to keep them the same length. It just makes it easier for me to post more frequently. kristenk923 requested that I go more in depth on Callum. Now, this is a series so I'm happy to say that there will be more books even when this one is over, but since I'm already so deep in this story I will not concentrate on getting deep into Callum. But don't worry, that's only this book. The next books plotline (Yes, I already have the plotline ready. LOL XD) actually involves a lot of Callum's past and such what so you'll be learning a lot more about him and what he's thinking. I love this book so much but I can barely wait till it's done so that I can move on to the next one. LOL. Hope that doesn't sound bad or anything. Hehe XD. Hope you liked the chapter and thanks for reading. Now I'll shut up and let you move on with your lives. LOL. Thanks again :D - Anna 

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