Chapter 1 (part 2)

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I ran from the dinning room, ignoring the cries of my parents. At least I didn't smash my mother's favorite cup this time... 

I made my way upstairs, but I didn't stop at my bedroom. I continued up until I reached an old door. Sighing, I bent over the huge lock and grabbed my bobby pin. I placed it carefully in the lock, and started playing around with it. After a few minutes, it gave away. The door swung open, creaking loudly. I winced. My parents are seriously deaf if they didn't hear that! 

Quickly, I made my way into the attic. I turned on the lights and made my way to the window. I thrust it open and a breeze of wind came in, slamming the door shut. I groaned loudly. This happened too many times already, and I knew that once it closes that loudly, it's impossible to open from the inside. 

"Wow, I'm so lucky," I muttered sarcastically. Walking towards a big pile of boxes in a corner, I started moving them so that I could sit down somewhere. It also covered me from anyone who comes in, but I could see them. 

When I finished moving the boxes, I sat down, leaned over to play in the dust (I'm weird that way) and promptly sneezed. 

"Atchoom!" I sneezed, making the dust fly everywhere.  

Once the dust settled down, I saw the outline of an weird door. 

I've never seen that before, I thought, probably because the boxes were covering it.  

Leaning forward eagerly, I dusted off all the dust left. It was a tiny trap door, with a tiny rusted padlock on it. I sighed. Another lock! Okay, I'm good at breaking locks, but that doesn't mean I like it. It makes me feel like a villain. 

Bending over, I used my trusty bobby pin. I stuck it in and started playing with it, just like I've done with the lock of the attic. I frowned. This was harder that the other one... 

A couple of minutes later, it gave away. I pulled open the trap door, gasping at what I saw. 

"What the..." I muttered.   

There were weird holes in the walls of the tiny room/chamber it led to. Honestly, it couldn't fit anyone bigger than a baby. But where have I seen images like this before? Gasping, I realized where I saw this. At my school, our history teacher made us do projects on the World War 2. I got the Gas Chambers with another dude named Ethan. And the images looked exactly like the tiny chamber in front of me, but miniaturized by a lot.

What is a gas chamber doing in my attic? I wondered. We never gazed anyone, did we?          

How much do I really know about my family?

I leaned forward, and gasped at what I found inside the chamber. 

I have to tell Timmy. 


(A/N) Hi guys! 

Chapter 1 part 2 right here like I promised. 

I know it's short, but I'm at school, and if I made it any longer, my history teacher would probably kill my head, and there would be no more updates. 

Thanks you guys, you're the best!




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