Chapter 5~ The Ashes

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Timmy's POV

"Can I open the box?" Isabel demanded to the empty room.

Nobody answers. 

Please, Isabel, open it! The suspense is killing me! I begged silently.  

As if she read my thoughts, she carefully opened the lid... 

And screamed with horror. 

I froze. Never in my life have I heard her scream like that. What did she see? 

She dropped the box and something spilled out. I dared to peek over. What was that? I stared at the contents which were in the box. I frowned. Was that it? Why was Isabel frightened of a bunch of dust? 

Look again, my brain commanded. 

I'm looking, and this is what I'm seeing, I answered. 

Then I did a double take. 

That wasn't dust! 

They were ashes. 

Human ashes.



Come on, Isabel! Touch the ashes! Please! I know you well enough, you can do it! Free me from my Mistress, please.


Isabel's POV

I walked closer towards the ashes. I know, I should probably run away screaming like a little child, but I somehow knew that the ashes couldn't hurt me. 

What did I do? I wondered. It would be practically impossible to clean this mess up, and my mother would freak if she saw the mess I made! 

I sighed, defeated, and got to my knees again. I brought the box closer, ready to place them back where they belong, when I felt someone watching me. Frowning, I stood up, walked away from the ashes and moved closer to the pile of boxes I placed yesterday. I saw a shadow of a boy, pressed close on the boxes, fingers crossed... and a second later, it wasn't there anymore. 

"What the heck?" I said. "Now I'm hallucinating." 

I shuffled back towards the mess I made, biting my lips, anxious to see what was going to happen. I bent down, cupped my hands and prepared to touch the ashes. But as soon as the back of my hand touched the ashes, it started to shine. 

Not again, I whined silently. I'm sick of shining things! 

And then, the ashes started to move. They were twitching together, like ballet dancers on a stage... I know, I'm weird. But I saw a ballet show last night, and the ashes really reminded me of them. (sorry,  ballet dancers!) 

The light disappeared, and instead, there was a young woman created from the ashes. 

What, she wasn't made from ashes...

It's Lady Florina, just remade from her burned body. 


(A/N) ARG!!!!!

I DIDN'T KEEP MY PROMISE!!!! Sorry, I seriously thought that this chapter would be longer, but I guess I'm wrong... 

But double update, how is that?! 

Love you guys,



(P.S Happy Valentine's day!!!

What's your  favorite holiday? I think mine is Christmas!!!!!!)  

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