Chapter 21~Freed (part 1)

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Timmy's POV

Wow. That was a close call. I've never loved pans as much as I'm loving them right now. We really should buy some in case we run into another cannibal or someone like that. 

"So, who was she?" Isabel asked once we made good enough distance in between creepy Adelaide and us. 

"Oh, my old babysitter's aunt," I replied. "but she kind of ate my babysitter, so she became my babysitter, if that makes any sense..."

Isabel shook her head.

"Wow. Now I understand why your parents moved. I wouldn't want my children to live here in the mercy of cannibal babysitters," she remarked. 

"Yeah, me neither," I agreed. 

We continued to pedal in silence, until my stomach grumbled quietly. I decided to ignore it, since Isabel didn't seem hungry at all. But we haven't ate for a while... I don't think I'm going to bring that subject up, I don't feel like getting myself hit in the head right now. My stomach grumbled again, this time a little louder. 

"You hungry?" she asked.

I nodded sheepishly. 

"We'll eat later on," she promised, "but right now, I just want to get my grandmother's ashes off my shoulders."

I shuddered, completely forgetting about the box which contained Lady Stupid's ashes. Poor Isabel, she had to carry that all the way...

"I could carry it for you," I proposed.

"It's okay, we're almost there anyways," Isabel responded. 

"If you say so..." I murmured, making her roll her eyes.

"I'm not a damsel in distress, alright?" she snapped, before drifting her eyes back onto the road. 

I've never seen her as a pretty little girl, after I saw what she did to Alan Beauregard, a fifth grader who was pissing her off when she was in third grade.


I was playing soccer with my friends against the fourth graders. They were beating us, like usual. I was used to this. The "ref" was one of their friends, so I assumed that he was making up excuses so the fourth graders could win easier. Then, when I was about to make a goal, I heard a laugh coming from behind. Me being, well, me, I had to look around, and saw Alan push Isabel against the wall. 

"You're not so brave now, aren't you, since you don't have any more guys to protect you," he sneered.

"Just because my parents got mad at you for TRESPASSING in our house doesn't mean you're allowed to hurt me," she replied. 

"It was just for fun!" he snarled.

"That's what you were saying yesterday!" Isabel cried.

He yelled in rage, and lifted his hand to hit her in the face, but before it could make contact, she slide from his grip and landed on the ground. Alan's hand banged against the wall. 

"Why you..." he trailed off when Isabel punched his jaw. 

She would have done more, but...

"What do you think you're doing?" a sharp voice demanded. 

I turned around and saw Miss Lynne walk towards them. Darn it, she saw Isabel punch Alan, but she didn't see Alan push Isabel.

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