Chapter 1

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Silence, I couldn't hear a noise at all when I woke up. There was no noise from the TV, no noise from the kitchen, no radio on, not even the noise of Luke playing on his XBox, nothing.

I could feel the emptiness in the bed, I didn't have to turn around to acknowledge that Luke wasn't there.

Before I could think about anything else my phone rang.

"Hey Luke, where are you ?" I said, still half asleep.

" That doesn't matter right now, are you still in the flat ?" Luke questioned.

"Yes" I said sitting up in bed.

"Go lock the door, don't answer it for anyone, even if they keep knocking ignore it" Luke said in a concerned tone of voice.

"Okay" I said jumping out of bed and rushing out of the bedroom.

"Is everything alright you seem out of breath" I said continuing to speak as I made my way to the door.

"Yes, just lock the door! " he said making me even more worried.

"Okay i've done that, now what do I do ? " I said down the phone, but the line had went dead.

I cursed under my breath, I don't know whether I should be worried or annoyed with Luke, but I guess it must be something serious, he never acts this way. I returned to my bed and spent most of my day just resting, I only got out of bed to shower and to get food.

I sat in our unmade bed, with my slightly wet hair flung over my left shoulder, while I watched Friends re-runs to try and forget the fact that it had been over 6 hours since I had heard from Luke. Just as I was begining to get focus on the TV the doorbell rang.

I quickly turned off the TV in the hope the person on the other side of the door hadn't heard any noise from inside the flat yet. They continued to knock and ring the door bell, my heart was beating out of my chest. To make the whole situation worse, my phone began to go off behind me. I quickly dived over the bed and grabbed my phone off the bed side cabinet, it was Luke.

"Luke there is someone at the door, they won't go away. I'm scared and I don't know what to do?" I whispered, almost in tears.

"It's only me I forgot to take my key out with me earlier can you let me in" he half chuckled.

I calmly stood up from my crouched position and made my way to the front door. I unlocked the door to see Luke standing in front of me with a swollen cheek, a black eye and a dried up bloody nose. I stood in completely shock, he just nodded then made his way past me and went into the kitchen.

"What happened"I said after locking the door again and following him into the kitchen. Luke didn't reply he just continued to rummage through cabinets looking for something.

"If you are looking for the first aid kit, it is in the bathroom" I said.

I left the kitchen and Luke began to follow me as we both made our way to the bathroom. Luke sat down on the edge of the bath as I began to wash the dried blood from his face, with a wet cloth.

"What happened" I said asking for the second time in the past few minutes.

" I will explain later" Luke whimpered, as I brushed over his swollen lip with the cloth.

All I did was nod, I knew there wasn't a chance of Luke telling me right now, no matter how hard I try, he is set in his ways.


So this is the First Chapter of Hidden, I hope you like it!

Please leave a comment on what you think so far <3

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