Time to escape

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The girls went to find mona and are planning to sneak in before dawn at spencer room
Hannah's POV:
Come on people we need to leave now if we wont to find out
Im actually convinced that it could be spence.Im just hoping its not because then she would have a lot to explain for.
General POV:
Mona opened Hannah's door with her stood aria and emily come on we don't have much time mona shouted.Spencer's room was much bigger than the rest of the 4 girls inside was a closet a chair a bed and all her other necessities.as the girls was looking around they didn't find anything to suspicious.
Arias POV:
I was Spencer where would I keep a pregnancy test .think aria think . I know the Wardrobe its the tallest Place and well shes a lot taller than the rest of us. Guys in the wardrobe tallest place and well we you know
Good think ar! Hannah clapped
Im standing on a box everyone outside of Spencer's we have like zerp time left just before the lights switch on and before emily comes barging in telling me to come i get a glimpse of a long box perfect size for a pregnancy test its really here and i need to tell her .
Emily's POV:
Hurry up Em get her hannah shoutes at me
Aria is taking a lot of time i hope shes not found anything it would be wierd  and strange if my best mate got my best mate pregnant this is all so confusing i don't get how u can go from hating someone so much to literally falling head over heals for them.love is strange anyway better get aria.
Come on aria i shout in a whisper
We made it back to our bedrooms just in time .
Arias POV:
We made it but I'm so tired as i begin to drift off i hear a noise
Well done aria u found it out thanks for the lead u earned yourself a lie in well done champ!
-A is giving me a lie in well better not let him her it bitch change its mind time t- zzzz(aria fell asleep)

Mona's POV:
Aria came out worried did she find something is spencer the one i would feel sorry for her and toby i tried to keep them away from each other when i was A because i knew this would happen thats why i picked on her relationship  the most i wasn't trying to be that mean . Everyone thinks spencer is the smart one and don't get me wrong she os but when it comes to boys and by boys i mean toby and the things she does with toby if u know what i mean ;) shes dumber than a dog and forgets and thats why I've always been couscous with her and Toby and trying to keep...that to a minimum but plz as much as i try to separate them there like magnets and it would be impossible to separate them and there...fun times with a crowbar there perfect for each other

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